Went to La Leche League last night. WOW was it packed! More people then I ever seen at one, the kids were every where. It was nice, as Lela and Belle got to play a lot. There was two other girls Lela's age there. And of course countless Belle's age, two of which were named Belle as well.

After the La Leche League meeting we went to Leekers, I was able to get three tomato plants for only 1 dollar each. I got a white tomato, which I never heard of before. A lemon boy, which I know is not a heirloom, but I'm not seeing any yellow heirlooms around yet. And another cherokee purple, last one they had left. I also got several packs of seeds for only 15 cents! Eggplant, sunflowers, pumpkin, onions, cantaloupes, all kinds of stuff. Will be planting them soon. I think I will go back and get a pack of watermelon seeds too. Some of them say to start in the house but I really don't have the time, so for 15 cents I'm going to give them a go sowing them directly in the garden and see what happens. The worst that can happen is nothing and I wasted 15 cents, no biggie. So I'm just going to go with it.
Then last night some one told me of another canning book! Called "Put em up!" it looks crazy good. However, I already made my amazon purchase, so I will just get it at the library this year and put it in my Amazon cart for next year. Oh man it looks good though. Beet relish, Cantaloupe preserves, Cantaloupe pickles, Fennel and Onion jam, Heirloom Watermelon Jelly, Squash and Onion relish. WOW This sounds like a amazing book! UHG if only I had known a day earlier it would of soooo been in my cart and on it's way to my house today. Oh well, next year it is first on the list of books to get. Unless I get a major coupon from this order, then I am getting as soon as I get the coupon. Oh I can't wait for my books this year to get here. I bought some Laura Ingals Wilder books as well, for myself and the girls to read. I'm taking them through the Little House series right now. But, the books I ordered were of other writings of Laura's.
I'm already planning out what I need to add to the garden next year too. haha I am still going to add a green tomato plant to this years garden, and 4 more strawberry plants. Next year I want leeks, asparagus, more onions, more strawberries, and probably every thing I put out this year and MORE! haha I've decided I want a fig tree too so I can make my favorite garlic fig sauce that Trader Joe's used to sell, but I think I will hold off on the tree till I get my own home.

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