I had the best Memorial day ever this year. The day started out with getting to sleep in since we didn't have meeting this morning. Then we got up and went to the Dollar Tree, I forgot to get the garden signs I wanted there, but was able to get some other needs. In the Dollar Tree's parking lot was plants for sale by a local plant store. I bought more heirloom tomatoes, finally got some yellow pears, and some everbearing strawberries, and a few other things. Then we went across the street to Dillon's AKA Kroger's where I proceeded to buy a lavender plant, and even the breed I was looking for.
Then it was lunch time, we had fish. However, poor Belle was so sick she wanted in my lap the whole time.
Back to another Dillon's after lunch where we bought a kohlrabi plant and a HUGE strawberry plant. And some pancake syrup so I can make dandelion pancakes for the girls soon. The first Dillon's didn't have the brand I wanted. While we were there I read in a organic Country magazine some tips on growing strawberries, just what I needed, now I know I need to go buy some straw, and make little hills to plant the strawberries in.
Got the car washed next so it would be nice and pretty for the Memorial. Went to Leeland's to make a payment on the beautiful dining room set he made us but he wasn't home.
When we got home, Grandma Delores and Grandpa Merlin was home working on Amber and Ben's graduation announcements. So we got to chat with them a little bit. They had brought Lela some sand buckets, and a life jacket for swimming in the lake. Then Amber called with some gardening information which was so sweet.
Then it was time to get ready for the Memorial, Loudine and Krystal got the girls all ready so it was very easy. Got to Memorial about 1 1/2 hours early. But, it was ok, got to talk to a lot of people. And Eldon, Casey and Hunter were able to come too. We had 244 in attendance, but then forgot to take a picture. This is the first year we didn't get a picture at memorial. Belle was so sick though I completely forgot. I would of liked a picture of our first Memorial as a family in Kansas though. But, oh well. Lela said some of the other parents took some pictures of her, so maybe I can get one.
We went to Applebee's down the street from the Kingdom Hall after Memorial with Eldon and the kids as well. It was pretty empty in there lest, about 6 others from our congregation and 2 other families. But, it was really nice. Caleb brought us some coupons to use at Applebee's right before Memorial began so that really helped. But, poor Belle again just wanted to sit on my lap.
When we got home, I gave Belle some fever medication and now she is doing so much better, but it's time for bed.
It was a great day for me though all in all, usually some disaster happens to me on Memorial, so glad none this year. Less Belle being sick, but even she is getting better, poor babe.

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