Even though I'm sick as a dog, coughing a lung up. I was able to go and water the garden. It's looking so good. However, the day I planted the beet seeds we had tornadoes, so the beets are coming up all over the garden, except in the rows I actually planted them in! hahaha I have decided I need at least 4 more tomato plants, and 4 more strawberry plants as well. Just don't want any less then that. I found a new canning book on Amazon I HAVE to have. Canning for a New Generation: Bold, Fresh Flavors for the Modern Pantry. The recipes sound delightful, and different and new. I can't wait to try some. I also found The Farmer's Wife Canning and Preserving Cookbook: Over 250 Blue-Ribbon recipes. I LOVE The Farmer's Wife stuff, still get a subscription to Country Woman magazine, which I think is what The Farmer's Wife is now called. So I will be having a ton of fun once harvest time comes.
Our POD finally came and we need to have it unpacked by Friday so we can stop paying monthly for it! But, it's a big job. Hopefully we will get it done soon. I've been working on it a little here and there. But, the majority of stuff I either can't lift, or with this illness just don't have the energy to do it. Between pregnancy, diabetes, and being sick, I feel like a slug.
One thing for sure though is illness can't keep you from dreaming. Spring has sprung on the prairie and I'm ready for a picnic! So, I'm going to dream and plan our picnic. I'm hoping the weekend after Memorial we can go to the zoo maybe with another family or two and have a picnic.
I know Vince will want deviled eggs with out a doubt. I want my Marinated Three Bean Salad. Maybe a potato, pasta salad or quinoa zucchini salad-I'm thinking seasoned with onion, garlic, and marinated in a lemon vinaigrette or maybe some fattoush salad dressing. Fresh fruit-grapes, or strawberries would be easy. But, watermelon would be divine! But, what oh what to have for the main course? Hawaiian chicken salad with sliced avocados? Zucchini Quiche? A simple store bought rotisserie chicken? Will have to give it more thought. But, I'm sure I will come up with something.

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