Just some jottings of things I want to be sure to include in my doodle embroidery on Lela and I's song book covers.
Me-a woman in bonnet with flowery dress, bird in tree singing, grass, butterflies, flowers, sun, clouds, doe. Name on inside cover with flowers, and butterflies.
Lela-tree, birds flying, sun, flowers, butterflies, Russian doll girl, hedgehog, mushrooms, grass, name. Hedgehog & mouse tea party, with cupcakes and tea?
Book, I'm using for inspiration-Doodle Stitching
I'll be adding more ideas when I get the book I'm sure, I'm searching google now looking at what others have been inspired to make due to reading Doodle Stitching, trying to get some basic ideas in my head. I bought the felt already. It took me forever to pick the color felt for myself, I really wanted red! But, I also wanted sophistication and the red felt wasn't giving it, it was too flat, and just something lacking-I wanted similar to the red of our leather Bibles, but there wasn't anything like that there. So I bought a textured sandy/tree bark brown colored fabric. I thought it would work with the woodsy outdoorsy girl in the country singing theme I was going to go for in my embroidery of it. I bought Lela pink and blue felt. Not sure which I will use for which, yet, but kind of leaning towards the blue for the song book, and maybe pink for the study book.
Oh, oh I love this rainbow, I'm thinking Bible Cover for Lela! Rainbow
Yesterday we went to Ah-So. It was my dad's favorite Korean restaurant when I was growing up. The food was still good. However, I was a little sad they had taken Lollipop chicken off the menu. It was always what dad ordered for me. I had planned on ordering it for the girls. The owner said it got to just be too much work. She's older now and been there for decades. And I do know lollipop chicken is a ton of work! Grandma used to make it for me on special occasions and always say what a pain it was! lol And just take me to Ah-So to get it most the time! lol Still was sad to hear of it's passing! haha Belle loved the Mandus though and ended up eating all the Mandus that came to the table! haha All SIX! What was funny though is the owner of Ah-So thought Vince and I were only in our teens. That was funny! She said we looked too young to have children! Funny, funny. However, nothing will ever top when we went to Red Lobster before we had the girls, and they brought Vince a children's menu and crayons. I still laugh about that to this day! haha I mean.....young but......under 10? hahaha Any way, another irony was her son just moved to Jamaica, Queens and is working at Jamaica hospital. How ironic! He just moved there 6 months ago. Apparently he really likes it, and says the people are friendly there. So glad he is liking it. They are such a good nice family. When I was growing up I guess she was soooooo busy with doing all the work in the restaurant she probably doesn't remember me. However, Rick Ming seems to always remember me no matter how old I get. Of course that was dad's favorite Cantonese restaurant and we ate there twice a week my whole life! Even after dad and Rick Ming got in a argument one day, Rick still always seated me at his families table-hey it was good food, the small tiff wasn't keeping me away! Any way, even if Ming's and Ah-So have changed their menus I'm still glad to see they are still open in this economy and seems the locals are still supporting their business. I love the family restaurants so much more then chain fast food!
On a happy menu note, when we went to the drive in the other night, I had Vince stop by Taco Grande, to get some food to take. There used to be Taco Grandes all over Kansas, but now they are down to only two! Neither close to where I live. So sad as that was dad's favorite Mexican fast food when I was little. When I was little I always got the bambino (a baby hamburger bun-about the size of White Castle, with taco meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato). When I was 12 they took the bambino off the menu. I was so upset cause that was my favorite kids meal option! Well, surprise, surprise, surprise after 20 plus years of missing from the menu they brought it back. I was so happy. The only thing is, Lela and Belle like them so much they can eat at least 3 each! lol I was never able to eat more then one when I was their age! hahaha But, yippee it's back!

Hi Heather, Your babies are adorable :) I have tons of Dandelion growing all around us and I heard it is very healthy. How to do cook it? Hey I love the simple diary entries.
Mary Jane Farm girl # 2649
I'm going to saute them in olive oil, garlic, and onions. Maybe a tad a butter. I have juiced dandelion greens, and had them raw on sandwiches and salads, but never cooked them before. I got the idea from Prairie Girl's Guide to Life, she gives you the basic run down on doing it. But, not a real recipe.
oh and thanks about my girls! ;o)
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