For breakfast this morning I made scrambled eggs, and pancakes made from Pioneer brand pancake mix. That is the BEST pancakes I have ever made! I have tried a lot of mixes and never cared for them, too heavy, and well just the wrong texture and flavor. These had no aftertaste. Perfect texture. They were nice and toasty on the outside, being soft and fluffy on the inside. PERFECT! The texture also was a little grainy, as in a very very fine cornmeal, which I LOVE. I am so buying this mix again. I really want to try Mary Jane's pancake mix some day too. But, for now I am loving the pioneer ones. They didn't give me a headache either. I haven't been able to eat pancakes out to eat for a while now. I think they have added a preservative I am allergic to. First of all I noticed a small change in the flavor of pancakes out to eat, they have a odd aftertaste now. My taste buds are very sensitive to chemical flavorings and additives. I was letting the small aftertaste go, even though it was a little annoying and tiring to my taste buds. But, then I started getting dull headaches after eating them and feeling a general body ache. Still it wasn't that bad, I just limited the times I would eat pancakes out to eat. But, then this last time, was last summer, I went to IHOP and my body completely rebelled, I had a headache that didn't go away for two days and was literally blinding, my whole body was in pain, and nausea, also I was so dizzy I couldn't even walk to my own bathroom! That was it, no more pancakes out to eat for me. At the same time, I am not a fan of bisquick, aunt jemima and some of the other box pancake mixes out there. They are just to heavy, and again with the weird aftertaste. I have tried to make them from scratch and while there was really not a aftertaste the texture was wrong. So I am very very pleased to find a box mix I like, my body didn't rebel against, and all I have to do is add water!
It was pretty chilly today. But, I still went out and about looking for more garden stuff.
My mom said she would buy me a hoe and a little garden three prong rake. So I went to ACE and bought a telescoptic rake that I am LOVING, and a hoe. Plant Kingdom (a local nursery) had set up in the parking lot and I in my weakness bought two more strawberry plants. I just couldn't help it! They were so yummy! They already had ripe strawberries on them that were so small and sweet and plain good! They invited me to come back tomorrow, they said they will have kids planting flowers they can take home while their parents shop. So I'm sure Lela would love that, and I will probably come home with more strawberries knowing me! Then I went to the Feed & Seed shop to buy straw. It was only 5 dollars a bale, and one bale went pretty far in my strawberry patch. I'm hoping it will help protect the little darlings. I went to Lowe's as some people have been going on and on about how cheap they are but I didn't see anything cheap at all. They are the most expensive as far as I have found around here. But, they did have leeks, I went back and forth and then ended up not getting them in hopes I would find them some where else cheaper. But, alas no one else has leeks. So I guess I will go back tomorrow on the way home from the meeting and buy them, if they are open. I still want to buy more onions, but Lowe's was the only place that had any today so far, and they were two times what I paid at the feed and seed store when they had them, and 3 times the price of what I paid at Walmart. I must say my onions I already planted are doing AWESOME! So I want more.
When I got home, first thing I did was cover my strawberry patch in the straw. Poor babies have been getting too cold I think, and the wind has been brutal on them.
To my surprise when I got home my order from Book closeouts had finally arrived. Lela was really excited. I showed her briefly the picture book of Laura Ingalls Wilder I bought and she was interested in it. But, a little upset that Laura had gotten old and is no longer alive. But, she is more excited then ever to get through the whole Little house series now. I am excited to start reading my three book series of Laura Ingalls Wilder-Writings to Young Women From Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have volume one sitting by my chair ready to dig into! Laura Ingalls Wilder On Wisdom & Virtues. A book of compiled writings she did from 1916-1924 of her reflections on honor, friendship and kindness. Along with honest and humorous advice and opinions. I think the series will be interesting. It also had the Apronism's book in it, the Kitchen Linens book, I've wanted for years now, and the Prairie Girls Guide to Life. Now just waiting for the rest of my Amazon order to arrive. Hopefully this next week! I'm hoping Lela's Calvert Little House enrichment course (a extra circular class Kathy bought for Lela) comes next week too.
As I was unpacking boxes this morning I found my fireside coffee and pumpkin butter. I am so ready to have some fireside coconut coffee and strawberry shortcake right now! Some luscious sweet strawberries, and some nice hot coffee to take the chill off would be heavenly right about now. So I'm going to close for now and go indulge in my craving. Sorry I can't share with you, I know it's going to be tasty. hehe

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