The house is FINALLY clean, which means I get to go out in the garden tomorrow and play. However, the botanical gardens is having a program for homeschoolers tomorrow.......I am torn over which to do. Go to the Botanical garden, or play in my own garden! Goodness knows my own needs some TLC right now. Which to do, which to do?
I am exhausted right now from marathon cleaning the house (every thing against fly lady, but it HAD to be done!). But, wow it feels good to finally see a halfway decent looking home for once.
Tomorrow is also my La Leche League group where we will discuss fund raisers I'm hoping my idea is doable-getting Target, babies r us, or motherhood to donate nursing mothers things for a auction, and/or gift certificates donated for a auction on them. Seems would be the easiest way to get money.
Then this weekend is our circuit assembly. I know it's going to be exhausting with the kids, and I'm already exhausted. Hopefully I will of recovered by then and be ok. I plan on taking blankets and setting outside on the grass by the river to eat. I hate trying to feed kids with out a table trying to sit with food in their laps in nice clothing. So hoping I enjoy the picnic, I have planned much better.
Come Monday I'm going to start recruiting some kids help around here! lol I want to get some broken washers and a broken dryer out of my laundry room, put up some shelves I have stored in the barn from my pod. Bring in my china cabinet, love seat, and my other dresser. Maybe I can get to painting more on Lela and Belle's furniture that I started too. I also really want to move the book case to a different wall, which will be a HUGE job! Well not that huge, just not fun really. haha
Next week I think I will go to Leeland and ask him about putting cubbie holes on the bottom of my dining table for "morning worship" to hold our daily text and Bibles. So it's easier to do morning worship. In fact, I think I will even order extra Bibles just for the cubbie holes. The brothers and sisters in Bethel keep a Bible and daily text in their assigned table cubby holes there. And I think it's a wonderful idea. Makes having morning worship a lot easier and no excuses not to do it. I also need to price a book case from him, I need a MUCH larger book case then what I have now. So maybe I can work something out with him.
Then, finally since the house is decent, I can plan to have company over! YEAH! I think I will start on a guest list (small), and menu next week too. Maybe I can have a few sisters over next Saturday. I am soooooo looking forward to having some one, any one over. Now who to invite, there's so many nice sisters in my congregation, will be mighty hard to narrow that list down.
Oh and one of my books from Amazon finally came but only in a paper envelope and not in a box, and it was rainy today, so my paper back really nice book was pretty wonky when I got it. grr, water damage....... None the less it's a good book it was a design book for embroidery by Aimee Ray.
About the time that Vince was to get off work a ad on Freecycle came through for something I knew my little sister Amber would love. She is graduating, prelaw this year. And we are low on funds and I had been wondering what I would get her for a graduation gift! And ended up being able to get her a gift for free, it's super cute and she's going to love it. It was right near his job too.
When Vince got home, my little brother Ben was having his Mennonite Youth group over for a gathering, so we went to Lowes and I was able to get leeks for the garden. I wanted garlic chives too but they only had onion chives. Then I headed to Walmart, and bought some canning supplies before they run out at canning season. And bought all the non perishables we will need for convention lunches. Still need to buy a thermos for Belle's extra milk though. But, other then that just need to buy some roast beef and lettuce, maybe some avocados if ours are not good by then, and we'll be sit for lunches for the assembly. I'm making big salads, with some new peach dressing from Paula dean, and cornbread to take for lunch. Hopefully we can find our fit and active salad containers before Friday cause they are awesome! They even have a little container for the dressing.

1 comment:
Hello Heather! I love your blog! I too did marathon cleaning yesterday. I had to do the bulk of it really late because my boys require a lot of my time. I was up till 2a.m.! Glad to have it done, though. Our house is for sale so we have to do this often. Anyways, I appreciate all your advice on MJF about my blog. You really helped me out :)
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