Yesterday was supposed to be a pop concert at Riverfest, and I had really wanted to go, but decided kind of last minute I wanted to go to La Leche League instead. So fast change of plans. We couldn't decide what to eat, so decided to try Souper Salad, Vince had never been there, and I hadn't been there in over 10 years. The food was good, but with out a coupon the price has went up too high in my opinion for a soup and salad bar! Any way, when we were about ready to go, the tornado sirens went off. We've had a few tornadoes since moving here to Kansas last year. However, we are usually at home, and since we live so far from the city you can't hear the sirens where we live. Well, wouldn't you know it, at Souper Salad one of the sirens was right in their parking lot! So it was VERY loud. The mom and children behind us jumped up and ran out. Personally I'm a much calmer person. Souper Salad has windows all around it from floor to ceiling so I looked out and while the weather looked bad, didn't look like any tornadoes close enough to be running, plus just running and not knowing where it's at could be the worst mistake, if you run right into it, and you would be safer in the restaurant bathroom or freezer then in a car in the middle of it. So I sat there a while, and Vince was kind of wanting to go too. When we figured out where it was probably at we decided to go.
As soon as we left the restaurant though the siren since it spins spun right towards us less then 100 feet from us and was on, the loud sound scared Lela so much she started crying and running. And I had to catch her before she ran into the street. She couldn't hear me of course over the siren. When it turned and faced the other way I assured her she didn't need to be scared and to never run from mommy when she is scared that I'm there to help and protect her. We decided since the radio said the tornado was in Colwich where we live! To go on to LLL. Where they had moved the meeting to the middle of the building, where no windows were and the janitor said was supposed to be the safest room as the basement he said was not safe. We went ahead with our meeting.
Meanwhile, Vince decided he didn't want to stay in there with a bunch of women so he would go do some grocery shopping at Walmart. He said he stood outside the car a while watching the lightening, and it was really hot even with the wind. Then he said it got cold all the sudden and he decided be better run into the Walmart, remembering that I have told him many times over that's the sure tale sign that a tornado is coming and in the area close. It was VERY close to him, he was only feet from 96, and blocks from Oliver where one of the two twin tornadoes hit. The other one hit at Ridge and Kellogg. (directly diagonal from the other one!) Any way he ran into Walmart where he was greeted with "Afternoon sir, no shopping, go directly to the back of the store to the bathrooms please." He sad he obeyed, and they passed out cookies and drinks, and had chairs set up for the older and handicap people. So I guess they had some kumbaya moments. lol And when it was over was allowed to go back to shopping. I said you should of brought some cookies home for the kids. lol He said you were only allowed one at a time, you couldn't get another one till you ate the other. hahaha FUNNY! Awe Walmart memories.
Any way, it was hot and stuffy in the LLL meeting but we were safe as well. And they didn't let us leave till the threats of the tornadoes were over. Had a nice drive home and all was well. Thankfully no damage once we got home either and we were some of the few that still had electric through this one.
I've decided we will have a BBQ at Watson park tomorrow. So going to go shopping tonight and get some hamburger meat, cole slaw fixin's, and about to make some green bean salad here in a few minutes. I think I may make some peanut butter cookies too. I would like to add some reeses pieces to them though and not sure if we have any in the house. Hmmm....what to do, what to do? Maybe I will just make rice krispy treats instead. For dinner tonight I'm going to make something I've never in life made before. . . hamburger helper. I just haven't been very inspired during this pregnancy to plan meals. UHG. However, I think I will healthy it up by having fresh roasted beets from the garden as our veggie tonight.

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