I finished the back of the skirt, finished the raw edges of the layers and stitched the sides together. Now I just have to finish the sides raw edges, add elastic for a waist band and hem the bottom. I'm really liking it so far. It is not as puckery when I press the seems open, which they aren't in this photo, but at least you can get a idea of what the skirt is shaping up to be. I also prepped the quilters cotton and the muslin for the next skirt and slip, took the stitching out I put in for pre-washing and pressed the quilters cotton, I'll leave pressing the 108 inch wide muslin for another day. If only my hands weren't so arthritic and Belle would let me do something with out her for a bit I could get a lot more done in a day! haha But, I just have to steal minutes here and there from Belle, and then if I get more then a minute or two my hands start contorting and cramping, UHG!
Every one's been bathed, and are ready for bed now, maybe I will get some more done on the skirt tomorrow!

Very cute! I just couldn't ever get into sewing for some reason =/
Thanks! I wasn't into it for a long time, but so much of what is out today just doesn't work for my taste, so it was either learn or go naked! lol haha
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