I went to get a sonogram at my mom's office today. And we found out it's a BOY! So we are excited to welcome Raphael Jaivon AKA RJ into our ever growing family. As with all our other children he is running a bit small. But, that's better for me and a VBAC. Doctor Jensen said last week that bigger babies was harder to have VBAC's with, but looking at my other history didn't seem like that would be a problem. And both Vince and I were under 7 lbs closer to 6. so Yup looks like the too big won't be a problem! haha I've had a feeling he was a boy though from the beginning. How do I always know these things?!?!
After the sonogram, we went to The Great Harvest Bread company and ate free samples. Amber bought a loaf of our favorite savory bread, Dakota. And I was so tempted to buy some of the cinnamon burst bread with blueberries, and cranberries, and white chocolate chips it's sooooooooo good, but I refrained.
Then we went to NuWay's for lunch. This is the first location we just didn't care for at all. The location is awesome, as far as roominess (most are very very tiny, started in a valentine diner, tiny things!), but they do not know how to drain their meat, it was full of water and horrible. I didn't even finish mine! We both said we wouldn't go back there again. The onion rings and home made pop were good though, but we won't go back for burgers again.
After that we went to a antique mall both her and I had been wanting to go to. It was HUGE. Had a ton of good stuff and not too overly priced, a lot of things wanted. But, nothing I direly needed so I restrained myself once again. I used my new sling and loved it, and I'm quite sure Belle did too.
I have a little more done on the skirt, but have been working on the garden and it's soooo hot out there! It's exhausting. I have been pulling grass and putting down straw. The straw seems to keep the grass and weeds from growing. I'm hoping in the next week or two to get all the grass out and a good layer of straw down. Cause the strawberry patch where I have a lot of straw has very little grass, and absolutely no weeds. So apparently that's what I need to do! I cut my finger in two places today pulling the strong grass. grr, so for sure need to do that. I also need to get a few more tomato cages. We bought more soaker hose and have been working on getting it laid out. It got too dark this evening before we rearranged it completely but did add it to the rest of what we had. Tomorrow I will tweak it's route through the garden. Some of the tomatoes need a bit more water. And I'm thinking about transplanting what the grasshoppers left of the Kohlrabi over to where I have the tomatoes and strawberries cause the grasshoppers don't seem to be such pests over there.

Congratulations! Isn't it so exciting when you find out?!
Thanks! And yes we love finding out. This is the longest I ever went with out finding out! UHG! Talk about torture! haha Then funny enough I got scared the night before about finding out, cause we waited so long this time. But, glad to finally know.
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