We started over again with the BBQ. Sent Vince to get brand name charcoal, a lighter, and some more collard greens. It was a bit windy and we had to weight the grill down, but other then that this time things worked out. And we even got to have s'mores! mmm yummy! Amber, Lela, Belle and I sat out in the wind and roasted the marshmallows for them. While we were sitting there a male and female pair of white tail deer came to drink water from the lake, it was awesome! I am going to have to go out there more at dusk to see if I can catch a glimpse of them again. They were definitely playing, and having such fun.
My sister Amber watched Belle for a while, and I was able to trace and cut out the jacket pattern I want to make later on. And pin together and sew the front of my buttery gauze skirt. It's a little puckery but I think that's just due to the kind of stretchy fabric that it is. I think once I wash it and such it may be better, either way I am liking it I'm pretty sure. I am hoping that the jacket I want to make to match it will come out ok too, I'm just a little worried about the collar part. UHG. Hopefully it will be wearable. haha
Hoping maybe by the end of this week I will have some ripe tomatoes, I know I will for sure harvest some beets though. I think some of my cantaloupes have some flowers as well. That will be awesome if they do!

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