I was able to get all the strawberries put in today, and bought another soaker hose for them. But, was too late to buy the straw for them. So will buy that tomorrow. But, I'm just happy I was able to get the strawberries in. I may put in some collard greens tomorrow too.
I also updated my Richard Simmons Food Mover page on my recipe review blog. It's been needing to be done for years now. But, now with blogger offering the additional 10 linked pages, I was able to configure it much better then it was before. I'm thinking about doing the same for explaining, HELP for Healthy Exchanges.
Then I cleaned up my sewing area. I really needed to get some clothes folded, but of course that didn't happen. Oh well there's always tomorrow. I think I will start on my skirts again on Sunday. As they say always seem a day late and a dollar short on my plans! I was hoping to already be working on them today but oh well.
One of my friends sent me a tutorial to make a ring sling. So I am so going to try it! I'm going to use the measurements from the one I bought at the swap meet, but use the tutorial for how to sew in the rings and such. I will need to order some rings as well. I'll be dreaming of what fabric to use....
One of my friends etsy shops, Swell Midcentury Delights, is being featured for a free give away, so go on over and sign up! She has the cutest stuff, and buy something too! She's offering 20 percent off on anything you purchase this week in her shop.

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