Whew it seems like it's been a busy few days.
My father in law gave his first public talk yesterday. It went really well. Family from all over came to see it! His mom and dad of course, one of his brothers, and his wife, and his wife's two sisters. One of my mother in laws brothers, and his wife also came. And so did one of my mother in laws sisters. Another one of my father in law's nieces, one of the twins daughter also came. So the hall was sure full of family. Yet it was still a small meeting, I believe we had 68 in attendance. The Watchtower study was interesting to say the least.....Sister Woodford, Brother Woodford, Senior, Junior....... Every one has the same name! haha
I spoke again to the "new" brother in our hall from Kansas. We were talking about his cousin, Dee, who I know very well, and about her son Chico, who is getting married. I grew up with Chico. He will be having a double wedding. I believe it's a first for witnesses in Kansas, that I know of! So that should be fun. He also said my comments sounded just like his cousin Dee would of said them. Which made me feel good, she was always had good comments!
Dee was on Oprah once, so many people may of seen her, once! haha She was on there cause her sister Viola=Vi. Started a exercise gym in her garage! It eventually took off and became a real gym. She and all her sisters lost extreme amounts of weight. And it was while Oprah was doing a fitness across America type thing, and they were featured.
We've been going all over hither and yonder looking for water for days. All the stores have had none! Finally today after the 6th store and I don't know how many cities, we found water! Yippee!
And now it's time to potty train Lela. We've also been all over hither and yonder looking for training pants. It seems as if they only have like one or two packages at every store, and never in Lela's size. They are all 2 T, and 3T. She needs around 12months. Apparently not many people use them any more. I think every one has went to disposable pull ups. Why any one would want those chemicals in pull ups or disposable diapers on their children I do not know. Crazy society we have become, and so wasteful. I think we will resort to buying them online. That's how we had to buy all her cloth diapers any way!
Oh, I did discover that Babies R Us, now sells G Diapers, in the store! Those were Lela's very first diapers. I really loved the ones we had for Lela, I am not so in love with the new version of them though. But, hey at least BRU is making progress. When Lela was born only Whole Foods sold G Diapers. And no other major chain sold cloth diapers (That weren't cruddy gerber things). Now Target sells cloth diaper swim pants! And BRU is selling the G's. And whole foods has started selling cotton babies, highly recommended but I have never used, Bum Genius! I've only used G diapers, Kushies, Wonderoo's, Dappi's, FuzziBunz and a few others. But, I had to buy all but the G's online. So it's great they are finally making it to main stream stores. If people only understood how truly easy it is to cloth diaper. And how much better it is for children not to have all those chemicals on their bums!

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