More shopping today. Lela had a great time. She needed new pajamas as her current ones we bought last year, and are getting too small. I find that Steve and Barry's has the best baby and toddler pajamas. Very cute. Very very very extra soft. And very roomy. Also nice and long. I've never had to pay more then 8 dollars a pair. And today they were on sale for 6 dollars a pair! So we bought 4 pair. We also got her two overalls as they were also 6 dollars. One brown-tan pair, and one navy blue. I was so excited cause they had cuffed legs. Which meant, I could get the 2T size, which she will probably be able to wear for a year. They fit her just right now, when I put the shoulder straps on the tightest they would go and the cuffs rolled up the shortest they would go. Which was about 4 inches! So that means I am sure she will be able to wear them at least a year. Cause if she grows more then 6 inches this year, I will be in shock. (4 inches on the legs, and at least 2 inches on the shoulder straps). She hasn't really grown that much this past year. Maybe 2 to 4 inches. We will see soon as her doctors appointment is coming up.

Any way, I chose to go to the Steve and Barry's at the Broadway Mall, in Hicksville, Long Island. I chose it, because it has a GREAT toddler play land. It has a bunch of squishy toys all Lela's size. And a slide she could go down all day long if we let her. She went down it at least 50 times today.
Her favorite used to be the sail boat, cause it had a tiny incline and when she was tiny tiny it was enough for her to slide down herself with out any help. But of course now she's a "big" girl, so loves the big girl light house slide.
As always it was packed with lots and lots of children. Sometimes there is up to 40 children in there. Children of all ages, sizes, and color. Which is really nice.
It also has a nice little bench all the way around the perimeter for parents to sit and watch the children.

We let her play in the play area for about a hour and a half. Then it was time for lunch. She and Vincent had pizza, and garlic knots. Which she was very happy to have. Of course being a "big girl", she had to eat her pizza with a fork. haha She ate a lot of onions, her favorite!
After lunch, I let her play by the rides. It's great that at two she doesn't HAVE to have them move to have fun. So it was a lot of fun for absolutely free! hahaha She played at least thirty minutes on rides with out spending a dime.

I am so glad she doesn't mind, or even know better. Because the rides sure are getting expensive. One dollar per a ride. And they don't even last but a few seconds, literally. Another mom put in money for her child to ride, and I don't think it lasted 30 seconds. It was over before Lela was even able to get up on the rocket, and she had just gotten off the ride the other mother paid to have her child ride.
When I was little my mom would try to get the rides that had room for more then one child. And of course they only cost twenty five cents then. But at least that was split by at least three children also! Now a days they seem to on purpose make the rides one passenger only. At least here in NYC.

Any way, she sure did have fun riding them. Mainly pushing the buttons and using her own imagination. Which is just great I think.
She had great fun flying both the rocket and the space ship. She even knew what they were with out me telling her. And she told me, I'm flying mommy, I'm flying! I thought that was so cute. And I was shocked she knew what they were.
She formed a pretty close bond to ole Arthur here. She even had to give him a hug and a kiss good-bye before exiting off the school bus. haha Have a good day at school Arthur!

Next we headed over to another Steve and Barry's, as the first one didn't have all the clothes we needed. This time we headed to the one in Westbury, another town in Long Island. On the way I stopped in to the only Joann's, here in NYC to check if they had the newest Aunt Martha primitive pillow case hot iron transfers. But, they did not. And in fact their stock of all the patterns was really really low. I hope they don't stop selling them. They are the only place left in NYC that sells them now!
And then last but not least, we went to Babies R Us. We went to get some more of those soft fuzzy bibs that I like so well. While Vince was checking out, I noticed the newest Kiwi magazine, and it was so interesting I had to buy it. Which meant I had to get back in line. While I was in line, Lela designated herself the cashier at another cash register! Batteries any one?
Then when we got home, she said the funniest thing. My husband and I always watch Dr. Phil. However, we don't watch the re-runs, and he's only been having new shows the past 2 weeks. When we got home, we turned on Dr. Phil, and she said, Hi, Uncle Phil! And then just kept telling us, that was Uncle Phil! hahaha She must think Doctor means Uncle! hahaha
It's amazing how much they listen and watch our every move. It's a good thing we don't watch anything bad. I was a little shocked she picked up so quickly who he was. Especially since we don't even watch it every day. We've missed several in the past two weeks! She's only seen him a hand full of times, since last season! We better stay on our toes!
Ha ha, don't be surprised! She's always been very smart.
You are doing great at finding fun things for her, that keep her active as well as using her imagination, for free or very cheap.
She's always dressed so cute, what a sweetie pie.
I think embroidery became a lost art, unless it gets revived, it's harder and harder to find things in the stores for traditional embroidery. They seem to mostly have counted cross stitch here.
She looks like she is a having great time !
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