Awe fall, is almost upon us! I love it!
It's very stormy today. Wonderful! I love rain storms, it surely means cooler weather is soon to follow.
Which in turns means more embroidery and cooking time for me! I love to do both. I must come up with some new menu ideas! mmmmmmmm
So far I've gotten one pillow case almost completed, should be done with in a day or two. However, I may add a chicken to each one, which may add a few more days to completion.
I also got a couple of more pages of my recipe site completed.
Along with transporting the webpage about how I came into the truth, which is very important not to lose. So almost every thing I need off my old homestead site is off. So next year, I won't have to buy it again. Every thing I think has been transferred to the free sites. YEAH! I wish I would of done this last year though. Would of saved myself a bundle.
I also bought a bundle of vintage material from Mary Jane's Farm today, and I can't wait to receive it! :) I am sure it will be a fun bundle.
Lela's new love is Thomas the Train. haha Looks like we'll need to invest in a few DVDs of it.

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