We've been having mouse problems since last summer when a local restaurant closed down.

We finally broke down and bought mouse poison yesterday as well. I really hate to poison animals. But, I just can't take these things any more!
We went to Home Town Buffet last night and Lela ate three bowls of soup, and tons of spanish rice.

She also was happy they had her favorite on their salad bar-red onions. I never knew a baby who loves onions, but Lela sure does!

Seems like Wednesdays are a good day for us to go, they have rotisserie Turkey, cabbage (yum!), and of course our favorite chicken noodle (or as Lela calls it nudy) soup.
I bought a cheap back pack at AC moore as a diaper bag last month and sure do love using it now. We also keep extra clothes and bibs in it. I finally found some bibs I liked. Not plastic! I hate having the plastic on them. And I know they are not comfortable and are sticky etc. I finally found one that is really really soft terry cloth. She loves it. I am going to buy some more.
I've been trying to figure out how to get the comments to work on my blog again, but so far nothing is working.

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