Seems like I have been running around non stop the past few days. Finally things are going to slow down a bit to catch my breath!
Sunday Richard Simmons offered me a free month to his club house. I accepted it. And in the past when I have had a membership there I have kept all the monthly recipes on a file. Well, when I went to get caught up on the recipes, I noticed I had like 3 years worth missing from my files! That shouldn't be, cause I've had a membership there for a long time. So I guess yahoogroups must of ate them up. Cause I had them filed in their database. Oh well, that took most of Sunday night and Monday morning to get all back in place. But, at least I got them all again now!
Monday we went to the Palisade's Mall, in upstate New York. My favorite stores are gone from there-Super JoAnn's, and Le Gourmet Chef. But, there's a few shops left that I like there.
Camille's being one. However, it's getting less and less stuff I need there. It's going more and more formal-like wedding dresses. And less and less clothes that I can actually wear on a daily basis. They are over the top for meetings. It's mainly wedding dresses and evening gowns. When I first started there was a ton of meeting clothes as well. And just a small room in the back for weddings, and another small room to the side for evening gowns. Now it's almost the whole store, with only one tiny spot for regular clothes. I LOVED a skirt they had but it was marked too high for me. They used to have GREAT clearance. I used to be able to get meeting clothes for 3 to 6 dollars there. The skirt I liked was 60! Oh well. Maybe some day I will get it.
The big score was Steve & Barry's! Even cheaper then here. All their stuff was marked down to 4.00! So we got a bunch of overalls and pajamas for Lela. And when it was all done they gave me a coupon for 5 dollars off my next visit there. I can't wait. I love their jeans so I will probably buy myself some jeans with the coupon.
We took Lela to the Lego store there and she really liked it. That was her first experience with legos. We may have to buy some.
We went to Target and I got another cracker jar, and went ahead and just bought a pack of 3 year old training pants they are way too big, I think, but we'll give them a try. They don't seem to ever have anything smaller.
Then my mother in law was tired so it was time to go.
So I didn't get to see much of the mall. It's HUGE though. 4 stories, has a Ferris wheel, a ice skating rink, a BJ's! All kinds of things. I didn't see much of it though on Monday. haha
However, one striking thing, all the Starbucks (and there was many!) had free samples. That's the first time I have seen that. I really liked the coffee sample I got. Much much better then the time I paid for one on a vacation. What I got on vacation was horrible at Starbucks, and I've always wondered why people would pay for that when mine at home is like 500 times better. BUT, that particular one I had this time would be worth it once in a while! So, I should of asked what that was called, but Lela being sick wasn't having any of me staying there long so I moved on.
I had to use the sling a lot yesterday and carry Lela cause she is so sick and clingy. Good thing we bought those. I seen another mommy there with a ergo though, and she really liked hers a lot. So I want to try one of them out too. She said Buy Buy Baby lets you try them on. So that's another thing on the list of things to do.
After the mall I wanted to go to Super Walmart. Even though others was against it, I won this time. haha I usually don't win. haha So we went to Fishkill, even further upstate New York, and went to Super Walmart, they didn't have Lela's puffed brown rice that I went for. BUT, they did have the NEW Fiber One Pancake Mix, I can't wait to try it! I bought two boxes! I think I'll really like it.
After that we went to Cracker Barrel, and there was a little girl that looked just like Lela there! We should of taken a picture but I was too chicken to ask! When her father seen Lela, he did a double take, and then said Holy Cow, I thought you were walking off with my daughter! She looks just like my daughter. I said I know. My husband seen your daughter while we were in Wal-mart, and thought she was ours! haha Funny we had been to Wal-mart at the same time, and then both went to Cracker Barrel. Even the waitress did a double take, and said, wow I thought they were the same child till just now! I sure wish I would of been brave enough to ask to get a picture with the girls together. Awe well.
My mother in law bought Lela a rocking chair from Cracker Barrel. And I know Lela is going to love it. She never wants to get out of them when we are at Cracker Barrel. And I remember mine from when I was little. I spent a lot of time in mine. I think Lela will too.
She also got Lela a Jack in the Box. Lela has been loving the ones there for about a year. And I always have to pry them out of her hands, with her crying when we leave. But, this time they had them with sock monkeys instead of the clown. I really didn't like the clown/jack that was in jack in the box, cause they were creepy looking. Even though I happen to LIKE clowns! But, the sock monkey was much cuter! So my mother in law bought Lela that too. And she's been playing with it ever since. All the way home, and all of today. She loves it. And I think it's so cute!
Then today, poor Lela had to have blood drawn. Monkey in the box to the rescue! haha She's still sick, but hopefully will start feeling better soon.