Went to Big Lots and bought the Orange Spice Latte by Maxwell House, I wasn't very happy with this flavor. I won't be buying it again. Oh well, at least I got it cheap from Big Lots and not full price at the grocery store.
Then we went to Walmart and the tortillas we needed to make pinwheels for the baby shower were on sale! YEAH!
We had lunch at Denny's (the only one in NYC!) and boy is the baked potato soup good! They had a special of all you can eat soup and salad for 6 dollars. It was very worth it. The salad was the best looking salad I've had out to eat for a long time. And the soup was amazingly good! We'll be getting that more often. We never ever buy Lela nor ourselves drinks while out to eat. But, Denny's had a soccer ball cup with crazy straws that Lela really wanted, and it was only 1.99 and with eating there being so cheap for NYC prices, we went ahead and splurged, she was happy all day long, and went on and on about how happy she was about her soccer ball cup, with two crazy straws!

And last but not least the heat broke, and it was a loverly day, absolutely beautiful. The perfect temperature for me, and just beautiful. I love days like today. So all in all we had a wonderful day.
Meanwhile, I've been trolling the net for more embroidery patterns as it's a addiction for me. And I found two projects for gifts for my grandmother, and sister. I'm going to make grandma a dog, just like her Annie dog, and I am thinking about making Amber a Russian doll, but I'm not positive yet, she loves cats. So I may go ahead and look for a cat to make her. But, the doll is so pretty.

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