Had a good meeting this morning. And as usual we had a visiting speaker. He was really good. However, I don't remember the last local brother who gave a talk, it's been a long time.
It was quite a rush getting out of the house for meeting. And we were actually early! And even had a parking in the parking lot! Then, we got a phone call that Lela wasn't ready for meeting and we had to wait and come back and get her. She spends the night with grandma and grandma some Saturday nights. So we went and got her and of course lost our parking spot, and were a little late.
We found our Watchtowers that had disappeared. But, I had studied the printed ones from the site. And wouldn't you know, I forgot my studied one at home! Oh well. It was still a great study. I really like the illustration of Holy Spirit being like sunlight. It got me to thinking if it is like sunlight, we for sure need to be careful not to block it. I used to have a great big beautiful hot pink poppy. It's blooms were bigger then dinner plates. People would literally pull their cars over and get out to come and look at it. And didn't believe it was real. It was huge and the brightest most beautiful pink you ever saw. One spring came and I was looking for my poppy, and I seen some one had put a box on top of it! It was in a great big English style garden so I hadn't noticed the box behind the big astro lilies, and other tall flowers. My poppy had died from the lack of sunlight under the box, and never came back to life. You know, there is things we can do to block the holy spirit as well, and our spirituality could suffer and die just like my beautiful poppy. Something to really meditate on, and make sure I'm doing all I can to let the sun shine in!
In other news, I'll be glad when the building management decides we can have AC for the season. Probably won't happen till July, but I'm sweltering up in here already. The small AC we bought needs a new filter and isn't cooling the bedroom. Whew living on the 12th floor with heat rising can really be torturous. We have to see about replacing that filter ASAP!
Lela's trying to read to the cat, and the cat's not really into it to much. *sigh* Poor cat.

you can't have your AC on? I would die!! lol
and yes poor kitty, hehe =D
Nope no AC till they decide! I don't know how they choose when!
It's later and later in the year each year it seems. I don't consider that exactly central air since they get to choose when we can have it!
Right now the heat is still coming up even though I have the convector off. You know those big ugly things you used to see in old motels under the window, yup that's what we have, but ours only has on and off not hot or cold at our side, the building manager controls if it is cold air or hot air that gets to come out of it.
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