The sun came out today. Summer is coming!
I was in the living room last night and was looking at the photos I have up. And noticed one of my Grandma Lela and Grandpa Ralph on their wedding day way back July 4th, 1936. I only printed it from a scan, and on just plain paper but it looks really good in a frame on the book case. Then I remembered I had it stored online in a account that will be closed any day! So I hurried and pulled it off the account and saved it again to my pc and uploaded it to photobucket. I don't have many pictures of my grandparents and very very few of grandpa especially. When I was sifting through the things I had uploaded in that account I found this poem that my great grandma (grandma Lela's mother) had wrote and sent to grandma when grandpa died in 1964 in a plane crash. It's always been a source of encouragement. I sure don't want to lose it. I can't wait till all of them are brought back to life and see these changes actually come about for mankind.
God Of Love
Oh God of love forgive, forgive
Teach us how to truly live
Regardless of our race or creed
Help us in our hour of need
Some day man may realize
All the earth and sea and sky
Belongs to God who made us all
The rich, the poor, the great and small
In our father's holy sight
No man is yellow, black or white
And peace on earth can not abound
Until we meet on common ground
And every man becomes a brother
And worships God and loves each other
Author~Ina Steel-Dixon

It's nice to have those memories! I know Icherish all mine and my pictures! The poem was lovely too!
Thanks! ;)
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