Just thought I would report, that I got all the laundry folded. And most of it put up. lol So doing better. lol Now, I just got to do the bedding today. I'm going to try to wash a comforter that is only supposed to be dry cleaned, but well I hate the chemicals in dry cleaning. So we will see what happens. I will hang it to dry. Then tomorrow is more hand wash items. A bunch of dresses that need washing. Then that's it till Friday. But, I may have to wait if the comforter isn't dry yet. So it may be Tuesday before I can do the hand washing. At least I can say I'm really really close to being done. For the first time in two years, we are almost dirty clothes free. lol It was difficult in Brooklyn with no elevator and being on the third floor to take everything up and down and then into a basement to be washed, and it was so expensive around 200 dollars a trip. So we got so behind. I'm so glad to be up to date on things now, and be rid of all the old clothes I don't need any more.

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