I'm almost done with the laundry, I should be done by Sunday! And the bedroom is almost done too! I'm really happy about that. The living room needs some work, but it will be done next week.
Yesterday was so busy. I had a doctor's appointment. Boy, was that a mess.
I didn't realize she is at two different offices, so I went to the office I had seen her at the first time. I was there mind you about 20 minutes early. I get there, and go up to the check in girl. And I think well this is weird cause the sign in sheets are all for a eye doctor, not a endocrinologist. So she informs me I'm at the wrong office. The office I was at was in Queens, the office I was supposed to be at was in Brooklyn. So I go down, thinking I wonder when Vince will be able to get back here. Cause there is no parking any where around there. I asked a phone girl if I could use her phone to call my the office I was supposed to be at, and she made me use the pay phone. Surprisingly I had the money sometimes I don't have change. Since I usually put change in my piggy bank, when Vince gives me cash/allowance. Which I thought since I was calling a sister office shouldn't have been such a big deal, people just like to be a mess. About 20 minutes later he came. And I told him we were at the wrong office (I didn't know which block he would have to find parking on so it would have been fruitless to go look for him.) So we start to walk back ot the car. Which for him was a 7 minute walk. So that means like a 15 minute walk for me. It was FREEZING (18 degrees). I kept stopping and putting my coat over my face cause it was going numb. Then my whole body went numb. It was just too cold. And yes we were literally walking up hill in the snow! So any way, the last block he had me stay there and he went and got the car. Then he didn't know where the other office was. So we had to call his mother to have her look on a map. She found it. And we got there. By that time we were a hour late! Then we had to go to the travel agent about the cruise. Then, when we got home I looked in the mirror, and EEK, I had wind burn, or chap, or something my whole face was nasty and red. I put some eczema medication on it, so today it looks better just pink now. But, not scabby and scaly. *sigh*
I did get another two loads of laundry done yesterday. So now I can actually see a end in site. I will probably be done by Sunday, and that's with doing my regular clothes on Friday and bedding on Sunday.
I've been getting the closet clean as I can. I can not believe all the stuff I am finding and I've cleaned this closet at least 3 times since we lived here. I'm finding all kinds of lost treasures. My favorite perfume, by estee lauder, shoes (did throw away two pairs), a back massager that has been missing since the cruise lol, clothes-summer jean shorts, winnie the pooh t shirt, etc. Any way, I did 10 minutes yesterday for the bedroom, cause I was just too tired. But, today I think I did around 20 minutes. I did till the timer went off and then wanted to finish where I was at and I think that was probably around another 5 minutes or so. So it's looking better in there. I still need to do against one wall, the dresser tops, and my side of the bed. But, it's 100 times better then last month. The closet still isn't done but I just pick a bag or two every time I am in there and look throw it and put away or toss the stuff.
Any way things are going great!

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