Eek, I haven't checked in here in forever.
Any way on Weds night we went out to TGIF's with Vince mother, and her friend Gerry, and her son Rudy Jr. IT was nice, but they quit making my favorite-Meat Loaf Stack. lol So I had Jack Daniel's shrimp.
Thursday didn't do much...... just my regular cleaning, laundry etc. Friday much the same.
Here we are on Saturday. Today I didn't get my morning routines done. But, oh well, I've kept up with them almost a month. I will just do them in the morning and get right back on. I was just tired and not feeling well this morning. I still need to do laundry though today. And yup almost done! Can't wait to have that laundry done. The bedroom it came along nicely this week, almost done. Just have a few light touch things left to do. I will do them next month for the most part. Tomorrow starts the living room, and it really needs it, I have gotten Vince to start going through all the junk mail though so that is helping.
I am thinking in April of going through the apartment like a real estate agent and figuring out what I want done in each room, to make it more home, and like I would like it. Right now it's kind of barren to say the least, and lacks a lot of character. No real decorating has been done at all.
I have decided what I want my bedroom to look like. I have a color scheme I am working with, so I figure I will go little by little as I can. So one thing I would like to do is get a silver/gray laundry basket. The color scheme I've came up with is mainly white, red, black, metallic gold/silver, and shades of gray for things I want to fade into the background like the trash cans, and laundry basket. lol I have decided I want all our pics to be in black and white in the bedroom to be more dramatic and I just like the look and feel of b&w over color some days. Easier on the eyes, and more soothing and romantic to me. So I already printed one picture in b&w, for a teddy bear who is holding a red heart picture frame. It's been empty since I bought it for Vince as my wedding gift to him. lol So that's been almost 2 years! It's in the window sill (ours are deep), with bird cage candle holders from our wedding on each side of him. I'm looking for other silver picture frames or red etc that will go well with b&w pics. I think it will look nice as I can do this. Will see how things go.
I would like the bathroom to have a few light house things. Not light house crazy but a few cutesy things to give it a less clinical look. lol Again red/grays/with some shades of blue grays.
Then I have to figure out the hall ways, kitchen, and living room.
My brother on Tuesday gave up his rights to his 5 children. My husband and I are on the list to adopt my niece. They are going to try to adopt her with my mother first so she will be with her other siblings, but if they don't let her because she has so many now as it is, and such a small house. We are next on the list. So that may slow things down. At least we will pass inspection now. We've been working at that since she was born in May.

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