Summer time in Kansas means extreme heat. And boy is this month a scorcher!
A several months ago, my really good friend, and my best hair dresser ever, Laura, started selling Arbonne. She invited me to her first party, which honestly I just went to support her and didn't really plan on buying anything. As I tried Arbonne almost 30 years ago when two of my other friends were selling it. Ponds and Cobra. I liked some of it, but a lot of it was not good for my skin. With some encouragement I tried it again and wow, they must of really changed the formula this time it was great! Also a LOT more things they sell now then 30 years ago. Laura sent me home with a lot of samples, and I ended up having my own party too.
Since then I seen some people add Arbonne's Pomegranate Fizz sticks to Starbucks Passion Fruit tea. It looked so good. I ran out and bought cold brew Passion Fruit Tea... but, when I got home I realized the tea bags were humongous and meant for a 2 quart picture. Which I did not have! So then I went on Ebay and bought a vintage tupperware pitcher that is really cute. It came today, so I washed it and brewed my tea. I added coconut milk as was suggested, and the Pomegranate Fizz stick. It's amazing! Waaaaay better than soda ever could be! I think it's my new favorite drink. Especially during this blazing Kansas heat!
Thankfully since we homeschool we can stay inside in the summer time, and take vacation when it's cooler outside. We will be going back to Silver Dollar City, and Branson for homeschool week in Missouri. And I've already began to pack. I bought Simona and Denise a bunch of clothing from Target, and Targets clearance, then the Haysville garage sale day I was able to get both tons of clothes for only 2 dollars! TONS! So I washed every thing up and they are all packed and ready for the trip. I am working on the other three kids, and Vince and I next. It's slow going through, because our dryer is dying a slow death and takes forever. We need a new dryer soon. Probably in the next couple of months.
I also bought new glasses this month. I can see again! I haven't been able to see well out of my old ones for at least a year, because the coating started peeling so horribly. I had been putting it off, then did it, only to find out Vince's work messed up on the insurance this year, and I won't be getting reimbursed the 400 dollars it cost! My prescription is extra expensive cause my eyes are so bad I have to get ultra thin or they are so thick and heavy they cause my sinus problems. AND this is the first time I had to get bifocals too, which was a extra expense. At first I couldn't even figure out how to use the bifocals but thankfully only took me a few days and now I have figured that out too! So I can read again with my glasses on and the book not up to my nose! haha And yes the 400 dollars was supposed to be dryer money, but I thought we would be reimbursed and when we got it back would just go buy the dryer.. yeah didn't work that way! haha
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