He was so excited to be at a Regional Convention for the first time in 20 years. He didn't recognize many people at first, because people change a lot in 20 years. But, I would point out to him, many of his old friends. He would ask some of them if they remembered who he was, and they would say, Of course we know you Brother Dunn! A few people I didn't recognize also came up to him and said, Hi Brother Dunn! One brother took me 2 days to remember who he was and place him in my mind.. I personally had not seen that brother in decades either! haha I don't know if it was a fluke he was at our Convention or not, but I hadn't seen him in probably 20 years either! haha Any way, he was just so happy and excited he had a great time, as did we all.
I was 9 months pregnant though so my feet were like sausages! And felt as if they would split open! But, I made it!
If you know me very well you will also know, that I go to many restaurant grand openings to get one free year of food. Well, I had did that about 7 years ago for a restaurant called Freebirds, I did not use all my points from that, and eventually they went out of business in Wichita. But, are still in business where are Regional was held. This year they announced points not used would be cancelled after one year. I had so many points left, I qualified to have a party for 20 people, plus a bunch more food, and STILL have points left over! So I held a party at our hotel for several of our friends too. That was a lot of fun.
Then on the way home, we stopped at Red Lobster, because on Mondays there is a reduced priced all you care to eat shrimp meal, and my step father loves shrimp. And the children had a impromptu education on lobsters, and were able to see one up close and even touch it.
There was substantial flooding though, both in Kansas and Oklahoma during this time.
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