My mom was transferred to the rehab center today. I wish they could keep her longer. I know she will do better there.
Lela is loving school more then ever. She's having a ball with all the online games she is supposed to do for school. Now if I could only get her kindle set up for the games!
Belle and RJ fight over Lela's desk daily. So I'm looking on Craig's list and Freecycle for them two just like it. So far I have a few bites. I'm really hoping the free one comes through! We are very tight on money since Vince had to miss work for little RJ and he got docked twice the pay for that. grrr.
Vince found a very cute scarecrow during work today and brought her home. She is such a cutie. I can't believe some one was going to throw her out. She's in perfect condition and very expensive. I have some cheapo walmart ones that are made of very thin fabric and like Styrofoam. But, this girl is made of nice fleece and stuffing and is just really cute. Probably a 40 dollar scarecrow at the store. Probably from hobby lobby or Michael's and not wally world. She's sitting pretty on our porch now.
I am so glad I discovered wool soakers. I wish that is what I had invested in with Lela they are so much nicer then other diaper covers, and work great. Belle so far is the only reason I have to wash them at all. RJ doesn't vomit or poo on them but Belle does! haha Other then that though they are working great. Funny thing happened though I didn't put RJ's cover on just his diaper, and the snappi got stuck on the bed. I was hearing squealing and it was him and his diaper stuck to the bed! lol
I just love all the jam I made this summer, so I got out my canning books and decided it's time to start making a list of all the new things I want to try this spring and summer. Now to collect enough canning jars to do it all! I want to make strawberry rhubarb and strawberry lavender jams for sure. A navel rhubarb one sounds interesting too, also bluebarb. For sure with out a doubt peach jam. Last year the farmer's market had awesome peaches, so that will for sure be one for canning. I am kind of intrigued by my recipe or peach lemon thyme jam...not sure though if I will try that one. But, will be making plain peach and for sure pineapple peach jam. And with out a doubt I have to make some tomato basil jam with sherry vinegar. Hopefully I can get to my dad's property in time for mulberry picking and make some mulberry jam, one of my favorites. I also for sure on the list have rhubarb date marmalade, the recipe says you can add cherries, or strawberries etc to it as well. That sounds awesome. I better make small batches! Cause there's way too many I want to try. And I want to make zucchini bread and butter pickles. I love those things. Next fall I also have Apple Tomato Marmalade on my must try list! Later this month I'm going to make pumpkin butter and lemon curd, I just have to gather up enough jars. Hmmm...maybe time or another freecycle request! WOW I have a lot of must tries, and have only went through two of my four books! I have a feeling people will be getting a lot of jams and preserves as gifts next year! haha
After looking through my canning books I came across a recipe I HAVE to try this week. Date Lentil soup. We love the coconut milk lentil soup I make, now this sounds yummy too! The only thing is where to buy the dates close to us. I know there is a Indian store on the southeast side of town with wonderful dates. But, I used to get great big lovely dates really cheap at Costco. I don't think our Sam's sells that kind. Mainly the stores around here sell the tiny dried up things. I like the great big juicy ones you can fill with cream cheese! haha mmmm maybe have those as appetizers with this soup! And some olives and hummus too! mmmm My grandma Martha loved dates, and cultivated a love of them in me as well. yummy yummy!

Costco still has the big dates. They have 2 different types here. They are yummy with peanut or almond butter.
mmm sounds yummy! Sam's for some reason doesn't sell them. However they are now selling quinoa (cheapest I can find it any where, it's like only 4 dollars for 2 lbs!) and most recently pinenuts. Again cheaper then I can find them any where else. 10 dollars for a huge bag. Every wehre else it's like 5 dollars for a dinky little jar of them!
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