Both girls had dental appointments today. I didn't know they started seeing babies at 12 months, of RJ would of went too, but he will go back next month to be seen. Belle's teeth were great, except she's been complaining of her teeth hurting, they said it was molars coming in. Poor baby. I think I need to get her a unpolished amber necklace, the polished one is not working on her like the unpolished works on RJ. RJ hasn't cried or been fussy at all ever with his teeth. But, poor Lela who hasn't complained at all, had a small cavity. She has rough teeth surface to begin with which stain easily but also they warned me would be easy to get cavities as well. Sad....I hope her adult teeth aren't rough like that.
RJ in his new longie wool diaper cover
Well, since I am ever so proudly all caught up on laundry, and we have our own washer/dryer, I decided to go back go cloth diapering. I hated disposables for Belle and RJ, I only cloth diapered Lela. So I am ever so happy to be back to cloth. However, I have discovered wool covers and love them! So I'm going to sell most my diapers I used for Lela and use the money to get my prefold stock for the wool diaper covers I got Belle and RJ. They are so cute, and locally hand made by stay at home mom's. I just love them. I got Belle a pair with a owl, and Friday I'm going to buy her a skort one. Bubba's are pretty cute too though! I also really love the scent of the locally made lanolin....it's yummy. lol Even Vince turns his head when he smells it. ;o) It's a melon scent. They had monkey fart scented lanolin too! lol haha The dad's at the store really thought that was funny! The store also had lullabies by Johnny Cash, both Vince and I said we would HAVE to get that! We both love Johnny!
We seen Wizard of Oz play, for Lela's school field trip and it was very funny and cute! Went over time by 2 hours, but we loved it! And yes yes yes we are finally completely moved out from our apartment and into our new home.
On some sad news, a sister I have known online for many years, who has been fighting a debilitating disease, and has been in a nursing home for many years died the other day. Very sad, but at the same time I am happy she will no longer have to be in the severe pain she was in for so many years, and when she wakes up she will be healthy and pain free!

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