Saturday was so much fun, the girls were invited to a winter party. Hot cocoa station, with every imaginable add in you can think of. Every chocolate chip known to man, lots of flavored creamers, spoons dipped in chocolate with mini marshmallows and m&m's to make little snow men, marshmallows, whipped cream, and even a blue punch to look like water with snow on top. Then they had chili with snow man shaped cornbread. The tables were sit with all kinds of fun stuff, glitter, hershey kisses, snowman mugs, with skewers with marshmallows dipped in ediable glitter, and rollos on top made like snowmen sticking out of them, snow balls all kinds of fun things, not to forget a teddy bear in every chair to go home with each child, along with paper mugs, with a packet of hot cocoa mix, marshmallows and more hershey kisses, labeled snow man soup. Then there was a backboard of snow with sugar cookie snowmen, and cakes shaped like snow men/women too. There was even helium balloons filled with hershey kisses, with fishing wire hanging from them with cotton balls and different parts of the fishing wire to make it look like it was snowing inside. When we first went in a sister who is a photographer had a scene complete with bear rug for each child to get their picture taken. I made deviled eggs, rice crispy treats, and pinwheels. But, I surely wasn't expecting the party to be so nice. It was just soooo much fun! The kids had a artic blast!
Julie went with us to the party, and then gave us a little tour of Maize and how it was when she lived there. Then she came home with us and we ate dinner with my dad and the kids. Yummy salmon, fish and cous cous. Then she helped and groomed the kitty, Willow, after dinner, and we got to talk and laugh lots.
We had a wonderful meeting this morning, our congregation is just so sweet. A little brother named Malachi came up to us after meeting and said the cutest thing, he said how do you two (Vince and I) keep making such cute babies. He just thought RJ was so cute, and he said Belle and Lela was too. He has 5 siblings himself so it was pretty funny. I told him Jehovah made them that way, and he said well still it's you and him that made them. haha Funny kid.
Afterwards we went to Kabobs, and had a delicious lunch. Mmmm I could eat the sivaiyan all day long I think...even though it's dessert. The tandori was delicious, the puri so good, but who can't love fried bread? haha Yummy yummy Pakistani buffet....mmmm I can't wait to go back! Of course I always crave the sivaiyan & dalia till I can go back again every time! lol The waitress really loved RJ too and thought his suit and tie, and little hankie was so cute. Also we can't believe the kids are free there till they are 6 super bonus for us! haha
Had a great time. Found out the Drive in is open again, I hope it has good movies this next weekend, this weekend had great ones, but I didn't know they were open.
However, once we got home RJ screamed, and screamed. I could not calm him down for anything. I finally decided to step outside with him to see if that would help, he calmed down quickly and then vomited all over me, and I was literally dripping in vomit. Poor baby, I think he had a gas bubble way down low. We changed him and went back to bed and he was fine the rest of the night. Poor baby.

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