I finished my slip yesterday. I had to make a quick trip to Needle Nook for better matching lace. But, other then that it was easy peasy and it's done. I was able to wear it and the skirt to meeting this morning. Meeting was great as usual. And we also had a really fun visiting speaker. They've served in the Soviet Union. And they had some really nice experiences. Usually RJ sleeps through the meeting, wouldn't you know though today he stayed awake the whole time. haha. So up and down with him a lot. Then he fell asleep during the closing song! yeah. . .So I didn't get much out of the meeting in that regard. But, I really have been loving the Watchtower study we've been focusing on the last few weeks. Really fun. I like ones that open themselves up to drawing out the heart and hearing lots of personally experiences.

I am just so pleased with my skirt though. I picked some fabric for a tee shirt to go with it, I'm going to finish it but I don't think I'm in love with the lightness of the fabric. I think I'm going to go ahead and try to buy another one that doesn't have the exact color in it but it still goes. I bought some red knit to make a tee shirt for a red skirt too. So next week I will start on that skirt and shirt too. Today though I cut out a tee shirt in a striped knit that I really like. But, I've forgotten how to do the v part of it. So I'm going to do all the steps up to that point then go in on Saturday and ask Anne for help. Till then I'm going to work on a free hot patterns pattern I downloaded and printed and see how that goes. I'm just going to make a muslin, if it comes out good I want to try it with this chocolate jersey that has metallic gold polka dots and is beautiful. So I'm hoping it will work.
I need to buy new sandals, the ones I bought last year got mildewed from a flood we had down here in the basement. So sad. And I want a few more colors. And that will be nice with my new skirts.

Last night I made taco meat before bed, and put it in the crock pot liner. Then this morning pulled it out and put it in the heating base. And went off to meeting, so nice to come home to hot food. And every one was here when we got home! Every one! Merle, Delores, Ben, every one. So we quickly had to make more meat, sent Merle to the store for more taco shells. Which Delores said she really really liked. So told her where to get them. And Merle said others must like them cause they didn't have many left on the shelf and all the other brands were still stocked full. On the way home I forgot salsa at Target. Cause I love their peach one. So I stopped at our local store called Krauss, and bought some local salsa. It was so good. Gluten free, and had a little bit of sorghum in it. It was delicious. So much so the whole jar was eaten at lunch! lol Now I have to buy more. At least I don't have to go all the way to town to buy it! I can just go down the street and pick it up. I'm already craving some more. Krystal and Sarah sliced us up some yummy strawberries and we had strawberries and ice cream for dessert. So it was a really nice lunch. Then we had to sadly say goodbye to Amber while she went back to law school.
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