Monday mom took me to get my hair cut, nails, and toes all did. First time I have ever had a pedicure, and first time to have every thing done in one day. So now I have a new hair do-cut, it's basically what I had after I had Lela. I like it pretty well. I think she did a pretty good job. I may shop around though, I'll see after I get more used to it. I love the color I chose for my nails though. It was a OPI carnation color. The man who did my nails was really young and sweet. He was from Viet Nam, he hasn't been in the USA very long-less then a year, but has picked up English so well. He didn't think he was doing well but I thought he was doing really well with his English. He was really nice though too.
Before I left though I put a roast in the oven. First time I have ever done roast in the oven, I've always done it in the slow cooker. I was really happy with how it came out. However, I went by many suggestions and didn't put the veggies in at the same time. I put them in when I got home and turned up the oven heat. Two hours later they still weren't done to my liking but, I went ahead and served it any way. I have always put the veggies in the slow cooker with the roast all at the same time, as I like my veggies really done! lol So next time I will do that in the oven too. The veggies Monday weren't even soft at all, very hard! lol Oh well. I am making another one next Monday but with Italian dry dressing mix instead of my usual dry onion soup mix. I want to see how that will work. As I found a recipe for it online. And we have a lot of roasts to use up soon. Dad's ordering another cow soon, and we still have the majority of roast from the last cow still in the freezer. Almost a year old now. Thankfully it's super fresh cow and packaged well as they all still look great. But, still want to get them used up before the next cow comes, plus if they aren't used up by then we won't even have room in the freezer for the next cow any way. As it takes a lot of room to fit half a cow in all our freezers.
After I came home I was sick as a dog. I got what ever Belle had. I was really looking forward to that roast, but I ate one bite and that was all I could manage. Went to bed, and about couldn't get out for a few days. It was some awful stuff! Glad that's over for me. Unfortunately it started for Lela last night though. UHG! Vomit every where, poor baby. Thankfully we had pedialyte left over from Belle's ordeal with it. So she is doing better today.
Woke up this morning to a horrible mess by the cat. Poo from my bedroom all the way to the bathroom! UHG, being pregnant I'm not supposed to have any contact at all with cat poo, but I had no choice, the girls or I was bound to step in it, it was EVERY where, every few inches! Either she got sick, or she was VERY mad at us. I'm not sure which yet. However, she's never done this before so I just don't know. I got out the spray bottle of rubbing alcohol though and cleaned it up. Once again I am so thankful to have concrete floors instead of carpet!
Then we went to Sally's today and bought some product for my hair. When it's longer I usually don't use any product, but when it's shorter, I like to give it some interest and flock the back and smooth and texture the front. So I bought some texturing wax, and some hair cement. They said the cement was more for mohawks, but my hair is so bad about staying in place that's the kind of stuff I have to use to just make it flock. Amazing how much cheaper the texturing wax was at Sally's compared to Walmart. Then I noticed that there was a Avon store right by the Sally's so went there. Bought some chap stick that was on sale, and meant to get some other stuff, but couldn't remember what I had been wanting, so got a catalog and will mark what I want before going in next time. I had to hurry as the natives were getting restless and started clearing off shelves for me! UHG! And it was time for another doctors appointment as well. So we picked every thing they cleared off the shelves, put it back, and then headed to the doctor.
Seen doctor Jensen next, no real progress as of yet. But, getting there. And the boy is measuring up at 38 weeks. WOW first one ever that is at the right measurements. However, I'm sure getting anxious to get my energy and body back! I'm just sad for little Belle, she's just so young still she's going to be upset by it all, wish I could of waited a few more months. But, things don't always happen as I plan. haha

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