Lela turned 5 yesterday, I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She's going to be grown before I know it! It's going by too fast!
We went to the Kansas state fair today and the kids had a ton of fun. They got to run a obstacle course to get some chocolate milk. Spin wheels to get little junky prizes-treasures to them. They went through a petting zoo that had all kinds of animals, camels, zebras, llamas, goats, all kinds of stuff. Then we headed over to the birthing center, and they seen chickens hatching, and a brand new baby calf that had JUST been born, still had afterbirth on him, and hadn't stood up yet. Took him several times to get stood up, and then there was lots of clapping and cheering for the little fella.
Headed over to some of the other buildings. We seen the butter carvings, had flavored wheat nut samples, and such. Then headed over to the commercial building. Vince surprised me by buying me some cutco knives, and something I've been wanting for years, a cutco pair of kitchen shears! Boy I can't wait to use those babies. Will make cutting up chicken breast so fast and easy. Tried some awesome cherry jam that I wish I had bought now! But, I'll go to the store and look for it later. One of the stores on the list that sells it, is on my way to La Leche League. Also seen a little electric heater that only cost a dollar a day to run, so for sure going to look more in to it. They had some dip there from Colorado but it was gross, especially compared to the stuff made here in Kansas that was at the Home Show this year..don't know why they weren't at the fair. Then surprise, surprise, I was very shocked, and happy to see a booth for the witnesses. Had a nice little conversation with a sister and brother from the Hutchinson congregation. So neat! The booth looked really good and really professional. They said they had a lot of good conversations with people coming by and stopping. So that was good to hear.
Other then that we didn't see as much food as we usually do-new foods that is, with samples and such. We also didn't see too many arts and crafts, I would of liked to of seen more home made stuff. But, oh well, Vince wasn't feeling well and I was tired so we stopped looking. Hopefully next year.
Next we headed over to the pig races, which were VERY crowded. But, Lela got to see them, and that was fun. Then my mom had bought some discount ride tickets, from the local grocery store. So the kids got to go on a few rides. Lela rode the cars, and carousel and Belle just rode the carousel but didn't care for it too much. Lela really wanted to go on the big swings, but she was two inches too short, then she wanted to go on the bungee jumper thing, and we said NO! lol haha Silly girl.
We ate dinner, got a funnel cake and headed home. Belle vomited on the way home, but I figure if you don't vomit after the fair you didn't do something right! lol Didn't eat enough foods, didn't ride enough rides, didn't pet enough dirty animals, something! lol haha So all in all we had a good day at the fair.

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