Went to Hungry Girl's happy hour in Garden City last night. Boy was the food yummy! And all healthy and low calorie! I tried a few of the drinks too and they were yummy too. I liked the lemon drop the best. They gave out a year supply of vitamuffins but I didn't win. I was sure hoping to win! Lela had fun eating the pigs in blankets, and watermelon. I thought the bacon wrapped shrimp was really really good! And the new vitamuffin flavor that was released was apple crumb, they served it with vanilla frozen yogurt. It was soooooo good. The dip they had out for the veggies was also good.
It was at a really swanky hotel too. When we first pulled up Vince said, are you sure we're dressed good enough to go in there. I said, well she's never dressed up on tv or anything, so I think we'll be ok. We were ok for Hungry Girl's party. But, the people arriving to stay at the hotel were really dressed to the hilt, and arrived in limo's and Rolls with their own drivers and every thing. There wasn't even a place to park your own car, valet only! It was a beautiful hotel. And the room the party was in was HUGE, and had several sitting areas with different ambiances. It was very dimly lit, and every one had glow sticks, necklaces, head bands, rings and bracelets. Lela loved it!
The man who developed Vitamuffins was also there, he looked like a professor in a bow tie and every thing. He had brought over 4,000 vitatops and they were gone with in 30 minutes! He was super nice and personable.
We had a great time.
On sad news, the dresser I planned on getting Belle that matches the dresser we got for Lela and their bunk beds, was discontinued! UHG! They have the frames left for half price, but no drawers to put in the frames. It was so upsetting as I had planned on buying them once I saved the money, finally saved the money and now they are gone! Grrr. I wish they had at least posted signs or something.
I really really need to lose 20 lbs. So I am going to be opening up my weight loss blog again soon. Look for it in upcoming post. I'm working on updating it's looks first though. And I have renamed it, it's new name is Easy As Banana Cream Pie. I wanted to use As Easy As Pie but that name was taken. So I liked the name Banana Cream, 1 I like banana cream pie, 2, I like the way it sounds, and 3 that was one of the first kinds of pies I made of JoAnna's. I chose the Easy as Pie maxim, because I lost most my weight, because I was adhering to Healthy Exchanges recipes. And JoAnna was famous for all her pie recipes! Thousand's literally. And I have made hundreds of her pie recipes. And actually lost weight eating pie! So it's as easy as eating pie to lose weight the Healthy Exchanges way! haha So it just fit.
Blogger has a new editor as well. I'm still using the classic (their oldest editor), but their newer one also lets you have 10 extra pages, for things like about me and the like. If I could just learn to get the boxes out from around the images I may switch over, so I can get those 10 extra pages! We'll see. I need to go on their forum and see if I can get any answers about the boxes around images.
On good news, I was able to back up my entire blog and have it on file now, in case my account is EVER stolen again! It took me a while but it's done, and I can rest easy now.

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