I am thankful for...baby smiles and giggles.
I am remembering...How much loved being pregnant with Lela, and oh how I loved her before she was ever even born.
I am hoping...that I can be a good mother!
I am creating...XML templates for my blogs.
On my mind...My grandmothers Lela & Martha. Both were such great story tellers. I've been turning off the TV and telling Lela stories. She loves it! The only thing is, she never wants it to stop. Gonna bring back up my story tellin' blog and record some of theirs in there, before I forget! Took me a good 5 minutes to remember Uncle Guffrie's name this morning! I'm surprised Lela understands the stories so well. When I get to places where people died, she actually understood and said that's sad, mommy! Yup it is......
Noticing that...Lela is growing up so fast!
From the kitchen...fried chicken.
One of my favorite things... zoo's! We're going to the Bronx zoo in a few weeks before we move. I can't wait to go. Will be my first time. I loved the Central park zoo when we went there though.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...My dream thread cabinet.

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