We finished up the rest of the convention a couple of weekends ago and it was wonderful. The assembly hall was beautiful too. In the loveliest sitting in the mountains. It was breath taking driving back to the hotel each evening-fog all around the mountain, beautiful lake, just awe inspiring.
We watched the new DVD as a family and it was a really nice production as well. It's words about how creation can also bring you close to Jehovah sure does coincide with the breath taking views we had each evening after the convention.
It's finally fall, and my favorite time of year. We've been eating the bounty of the harvest and loving every bite-zucchini, corn on the cob, watermelon.......it's been yummy!
I think next month we will find a apple orchard and take the children apple picking at least I hope so, that or a pumpkin patch. Anything to get outside in the fresh air around nature.
I got a new recipe program called Living Cookbook, and having a lot of fun learning to use it.
I also found some of my closet friends I had growing up, online a few months ago. Sadly their father died a week and a half ago, he was only 60. *sigh* I feel so sad for my friends. It's hard to imagine, people my age are already losing their parents and I worry for the day I lose mine.
Lela is growing up so fast, she is so funny. I told her she turned three the other day, and she said, I didn't turn around and be three! I grew up and am three. lol haha
And huge news! We got a kitten. She is beautiful. A seal point Himalayan Persian. She's been a wonderful pet so far, and Lela of course is loving her to death!

I was looking at houses in Baxter Springs thinking about moving there, and showed Lela one of the houses, and she was very excited it had a swing set, she said that was the one she wanted! The one with a park in the back! haha
On another sad note though, Vince's grandma has been having leg problems for years now. And they may have to amputate. Which will be very sad, since she is so independent. I don't know what she will do!
Hate to end on a sad theme, but must go. I'll try to update again soon.

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