I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning excited about our new Kingdom song downloads. I was so excited! Finally a little after 8 am I was able to begin downloading.
It's going to be a TV and other audio free day today. Today is dedicated to Jehovah and the new songs he has provided us with. I love them!
So far I think my favorites are, This is the way (it's been redone), Now we are one (obviously one of our new wedding songs, absolutely breath taking, had me crying!), Sowing Kingdom Seed (redone), and I think my absolute favorite right now is Jehovah's warm appeal: "Be wise my son"-it's as if Jehovah is pleading with us to just accept him and obey him. It's so heart warming and touching!
I was so touched by them, I was literally crying listening to them the first time.
All I have to say is thank Jehovah for these new songs today, because in other news, the cat poo'd three times in the bathroom and hallway. First time ever not in her litter box, and I've had to give her two baths today! She and I aren't very happy with one another this morning! hahaha
My diabetic educator also called this morning to check on me. She is so nice to me all the time! She always remembers me! Even how we met on DLife. So refreshing to know some one who remembers people! My endocrinologist I've been going to for nearly 10 years, never remembers who I am! I've only known Marie for 4 years and she always remembers me, how we met when she was doing a segment on DLife with Nichole Johnson-Baker (former Miss America) on type 1 diabetes and pregnancy, and every thing about me. So that was sweet of her to call and check on me this morning.
I am keeping my focus on the new songs, and how beautiful they are, and just loving and endearing, a true gift from Jehovah. They are going to keep me on a high for quite some time!

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