Whoo today has been a long one already. We are bottle breaking Lela. I know it's a little late in the game. But, it was hard for her to give it up. We finally bit the bullet and just did it. She hasn't had a bottle for 2 days now. And this morning was the biggest melt down yet. After 3 hours of a all out melt down temper tantrum, she is FREE! She drink some milk from her cup! And then I gave her a sticker, hugs, and chicken nuggets! Things are good again! I didn't think the melt down was ever going to end for a while there. But, finally she broke! *sigh* And I think we're over it and can move on from bottles for good now.
We're also working on potty training. She has went a few times, and once even ran and got on by herself just in time. Most other times though we have to put her on it with out her asking, cause she won't tell us. But, I was shocked yesterday when she ran and got on.
We are going to one day of the Convention this Saturday then the rest of the convention in August. I'm making corn bread and salad to take. Can't wait, I hear there is lots of great surprises and releases, and can't wait to see them for myself.

Have a wonderful assembly!
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