It seems like this is the first sunny day I have seen in forever, so we will go to the park today.
We went shopping yesterday and I bought a pur water filter. Trying to do better about not wasting things, and have felt horrible about all the water bottles I buy and throw away. So maybe this will help. The other great thing was it came with two of those expensive metal personal water bottles. So I'll use those when exercising.
The problem is I really really got to get exercising. I have gained so much weight, all because of lack of exercise. So I'm trying to get to the track as much as possible and climb stairs as much as possible.
We went to the Y to see if that would work for us, but the one here was so bad! So very very small, in a bad part of town that is very busy and no parking. The pool can only be used sometimes, and it was down in a hole like a dungeon, down steep steps to get there, I can only imagine if those steps get wet, we would be flying down them. They had good equipment, but it was just so tiny. And way too expensive. 250 to join, and 78 a month.
So then we went to the City Parks Dept gym to try to join it. And it was way way way too small. First Lela can only use the pool there one hour a week. So that wouldn't help much. And the work out room was so tiny and had crime scene tape all up, and isn't being allowed to use till the crime scene is done. They said maybe in a few weeks. So, we would have membership basically until the crime scene is done, for one hour a week of the pool. Cause that's all they had. And even if the work out room was not under investigation, it is so small I think I would be claustrophobic in there. It was only about a 9 x 10 room, with about 4 treadmills and 3 bikes. All piled so close together it wasn't funny. It was cheap though, only 75 a year per a person and Lela would be free. But, still.....
So we ended up taking Lela to the park, then I just walked on the track nearby for free, then climbed the stadium stairs for a bit. I think that is what we'll have to stick with, as the gyms here are just too small.
I sure hope I can lose a few pounds, but the way things are going I don't know.

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