I have things just about how I want. Now if I could get the archives changed over too. lol Then I have some more graphics I want to make.
I went to Sam's last night, just found one in NYC, any way it was a nice one. But it was pouring rain! I went there cause I had heard there was some JoAnna M. Lund books there, but mine didn't have any. I did get Mastercook there though for only 15 dollars! At compUSA for the exact same one it was 45 dollars! Just last week! Any way compUSA is a rip off! lol I also got my step father some CDs of Louis Lamar (sp) books. 9 CDs with 16 books on them. That's his favorite author, so he is going to be really happy. I am thinking we will go to the Dale Evan's and Will Rogers Museum when we go to Branson this summer.
Then after that we were trying to find our way back to the highway, cause turning out of the Sam's parking lot you could only turn one way, the drive way didn't allow you to turn back towards the highway, so we had to look for a place to turn around, and we came across a really nice RV place, so we went there and looked around. We looked at the pop ups to see how they will do in the rain since that may be the kind we get, if we ever we get one. They did really well. Vince had been worried about condensation, but I have been in many pop ups and never remember condensation. So since it was pouring rain and there was nothing in there, I think I finally convinced him. lol
Any way I am excited to start using my Mastercook program. But, something has taken over our PC and it isn't letting me get to my yahoo groups where I have a lot of my recipes, grrrrrrr. I am doing a Nortin Antivirus scan right now. I hope this can get fixed!

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