Now I have to work on my book sisters blog/ring, and the archives, but for the most part I'm done touching up this blog.
I went to the library today for the second time and still didn't have enough ID. Credit cards, picture ID, and a check book wasn't enough. Now I need bills in my name too. I tell ya, you would think I was getting into a secret club, like the CIA.
I seen some Orphan Train Children books, I want to get. I think it is diaries of children who was on Orphan Trains. Sounded interesting, they are by the same people who do Dear America. And I really like those Diaries, although I don't think they are true stories, they are short and interesting. Short is my kind of book, lol I have a chance of finishing it. Although I heard there is some Food Mystery books out there and I would really love to find some good ones. I heard there is a series, and that would really interest me too.
Leave me a message of some of your favorite books and authors. I will get my Book Fancy's up and running with in the next couple of weeks. I made a new Linkie for Blog Sisters today, and I will make myself a new sig tag, and intro tag tomorrow and Sunday probably. One a day is my goal. lol :) Then I need to redo my Tag Board, or get a new one. Cause I let that one die on accident. Awe well, I'll fix it with in the next couple of weeks.
If any of you have a blog that you can dedicate to book reviews, and books etc, or want to make one, please join my book sisters! :)

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