I'm still not feeling well. But, I did get my study done today.
I did the meditation box for chapter 5. It was about how we can/should be humbled by Jehovah's creative power. And how we would want to give glory to Jehovah after meditating on his creations. Also the way he takes care of other creations ie flowers, and birds we can see he would also take care of us, if we put our priorities straight-keeping the kingdom first. And of course if Jehovah created us and all the earth, how could we think that something that we made with out hands, idols, he could dwell in. Of course it doesn't make sense. And since we are made in his image he isn't far from us.
Vince has been playing with his remote control plane a lot today. He wanted me to go to the park with him. But, I'm just not up to it yet. I hope I feel better for the picnic next week.

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