I'm gonna do my study a little later today. I went to Book Study last night. It was good of course. Brother Green is very humble & tactful when he conducts the study. Also he said we are going to be going with another congregation on the picnic, and we are the host so we are supposed to bring enough food for the other congregation too. They hosted a picnic for us last month, but Vince and I was out of town for that one.
I'm getting so excited about it, I keep waking up, thinking I need to start cooking for it! It's not for another week! But, I am just so excited about it. I keep asking Vince questions. See we are going to the Poconos this Thursday till Sunday morning. The picnic is on Sunday from 7:30 am till 7:30 pm. So we won't be there probably till about 11 am. Since we will have to come in from the Poconos for the picnic. And I am going to make all the food up there. We will be in a big suite, Vince says it has a full size fridge, so I can make several things and put in the fridge that means! lol I keep adding more food I want to make. I like to make things for others. So I really can't wait.
Now that I know it's going to be two congregations, I think I will make 4 pies, and still the dump cake, and 7 layered salads, and I am going to try, to make 120 deviled eggs. Which will take 60 eggs. (we have carriers for 60, so we will have to buy more carriers) And I think I will make potato salad too! Since I will have mayo and mustard any way for the deviled eggs. And the eggs that don't cooperate for the deviled eggs, and don't look nice, we will just dump in the potato salad! lol I also decided on the sugar free chocolate cream pies, I would crush up some sugar free chocolate oreo like cookies and decorate the top with them! I've decided we would put it all in our big cooler and use the bottles that you freeze to put in there instead of ice. We will fill in any space left in the cooler with newspapers so that nothing can jiggle around and get messed up. I also thought we would use our biggest cooler and fill it with cheap Sam's choice soda and ice.
As you can tell I just can't wait. I love wholesome association that you feel upbuilt when you leave.
Also I found some salt water taffy I had bought for my mom and dad's anniversary party, but forgot to give out to the kids. So I thought when I paint the kids faces they can get a piece of taffy for holding still!

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