We had the assembly Saturday and it was wonderful. This was our first assembly in Hartman Arena. It was so nice to be local and in a nice facility. Good parking, good seating, no over crowding, it was nice! We are having the summer Regional Convention there too. Which will be the first time in decades that we won't have to travel! So nice and exciting!
We decided to go to Olive Garden because I had coupons, and went 3 towns away from where the assembly was, thinking we would miss the crowds, but there happened to be two school formals in the town we chose! So we ended up waiting for four hours!!!! Meanwhile my kids kept asking me what a formal was. We don't know, we were raised witnesses we have no idea! haha Dancing and punch is involved is all we know. But, some our best friends were able to join us for dinner, since we had to wait so long, the dad was able to finish his parking duty, and still tons of time left over. So the kids were so happy to be able to have a meal with the Peacocks, since the territory change, and we are in different congregations now they don't get to see them often. Belle and RJ ended up spending the night at their house.
Since we had the assembly Saturday and the territory changes are still fresh, the sisters put together a congregation sisters brunch. It was so nice. We got to really know many of the new ones better. They had it at our local Learning Center which is a really nice location. And all kinds of goodies, and set it up super sweet, we all had to wear flowers and ribbons in our hair, and had nice real tea cups, and the food was really yummy. The little girls got to play dress up, while the grown ups played get to know you games. Vince went and picked up Belle and Madison so they could come and not miss out, and then took them back to the Peacock's home afterwards.
Most the brothers had a thing at Chris and Hope's house, but Vince stayed home and hooked up the kids some video games as a surprise for them.

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