It rained like CRAZY down pour! But, we went to the drive in movies any way, because it was the first night of 13 dollar a carload movies. I decided I needed to go to the bathroom and buy a hamburger. I came back to the car completely and utterly soaked to the bone! BUT, literally only minutes after the first feature started the rain cleared and the rest of the night was lovely. On another happy note, because it was raining so crazily there were only a few other cars there, so we had most of the drive in completely to ourselves!
Sweet sister invited us to a childrens party at her daughters home. The kids had a ball, punch prizes, relay races, obstacle courses, bean bag tosses, pin the sunglasses on the flamingo, cupcakes, watermelon! The kids had a blast.
The funniest part was for the pinning the sunglasses game, RJ went first because he was the youngest. The sister put the blindfold on him, and kept asking if he could see. And he kept answering, yes he could still see. We were all baffled, til he started laughing and said, just kidding, I can't see anything at all! haha! We all had to laugh then!

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