I missed relaying a few things-My mom's little brother did end up dying, fall 2013. It was sad... but he is no longer in pain, and misery. He was depressed and sad most of his whole life, ever since his father died when he was 6 years old. Neither of my uncles ever recovered from his death. So at least they are out of that misery.
On happy news, two of my siblings have married. Mark, my older brother, married Cheyenne the spring before last 2014. And just last month, my little Sister Amber, married Anthony. Both lovely inlaws to have. Anthony and Amber both graduated Law school last summer in 2014. Very proud of both of them and wish them much love and happiness the rest of their lives together. Lela and Belle were Amber's flower girls, RJ and my nephew Seamus were her ring bearers, poor Seamus fell and broke his leg though so he had to be pulled down the isle in a wagon. My sister in law Megan and I were the co-Maids of Honor, and the rest of our sisters were brides maids.
School has started this year for us. We started last week, and are into our second week. This is our first year completely on our own with homeschooling. The first three years we used a local virtual school. It was nice and offered a lot of extras, and a lot of nice free field trips. But, it was time to go out on our own. We are having a great time.
Last year, I developed my own Bible curricula for elementary school children, and a fruitage of the spirit curricula as well as a Memorial reading program. We used it all last year, and are using part two this year, the children do so well with it, and like doing it as too!
Lela is in third grade this year, doing so much, including we added in music and latin this year, and art too! Belle and RJ are doing K and PreK along with her. They are doing really really well. Belle does really well with Math, and RJ loves the counting bears.
Next week is going to be a TON of field trips, there's the State Fair, then the Zoofari with the homeschool co-op, then the Pumpkin Patch with other homeschooling Witnesses, and then a Free Fall Arts and Crafts Fair, that has a ton of free art and crafts for children to participate in.
And most exciting, a sister only a block away has began to homeschool this year. And the children are loving that, they get to see her much more often now. We also have found another witness family further away but still close enough to get together and that's been extra fun too.
I've also discovered homeschool conventions and learned so much at them! Not to mention this years Regional Convention was awesome!! Loving all the new releases.
My tomatoes wasn't too productive this year, but got a ton of chives, and lettuce, and especially mint!

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