We are still homeschooling and loving it. Lela is almost done with second grade, she is with my dad and Darla this week on spring break in Arkansas. She's been doing Calvert through MVPS, but we are about to go out on our own homeschool wise, and start using DollarHomeschool.com and Eclectic Relaxed style homeschooling. Been buying all kinds of things for her nature studies and can't wait to get started with it.
This week, I've also been planting and planting, and cleaning the gardens. So far, I have planted two kinds of chives, and onions, and kale and lily of the valley. This weekend will be some lilacs, rhubarb and more onions, and chives, and kale. I also ordered some seeds for lettuce and tomatoes.
Since I last posted, we have bought a house. It's cute, and I love the huge yard and all the flowers and garden areas already in it. I am having a lot of fun planning and planting more too. Last year, I planted hyacinths that came back and are already up and blooming, lambs year, lilac, and a few other things that didn't live. lol As I was cleaning the flower bed, I also discovered there is already green onions growing in it, two patches! YEAH!

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