We seen the Lion King and it was AWESOME! The best production I've ever seen by far. I loved it. And Lela did too. I am so happy we got to see it. I've wanted to see it for years but never could afford to see it in NYC on Broadway. We had a lot of fun and I ended up buying Lela the program for it. I have the Broadway production CD for the music of it for a long time now so we've been listening to it and Lela loves it, especially after seeing the production.
Then on Friday we went to the pumpkin patch with the co-op. It was really nice to go with the co-op, cause we got free pumpkins that way, plus they did a lot of educational things for us. They explained a lot of things about the pumpkins out in the patch and the kids got to watch a video also about how they grow pumpkins and all that a well. I learned a lot from the dvd as well. And they had a blast playing on the slides and playground stuff and all that as well. Then Belle was hilarious. I let them go up to the top of this hill to go down the slides, and they were supposed to take saucers that you use for like sledding to come down on, and when Belle came down, she was holding her saucer above her head instead of sitting on it! lol So her bottom was plenty muddy to say the least! But, she still wanted to go again! lol I was surprised she kept a hold of the saucer as well! lol haha
Today we did some shopping, I got a lamp for my desk really really cheap at Bed, Bath and Beyond. And also a lot of neat art supplies at Hobby Lobby we've been needing. Now if I could only find some book cases I would like. UHG!
Then we went and cleaned on our old apartment some more, I will be happy to get done with it. I want to leave it really really clean, but also need to get to cleaning on where we live too. haha So, will be happy to get on with that as well. Going back tomorrow to work some more.

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