Vince got a new job, he started two weeks ago and it's wonderful. He makes a lot more money and he really likes it too. He says he wants to keep this job and stop trying to get the rail road to hire him. Since it seems you need to be related to some one to get hired by them around here even with his near 15 year on the rails experience. Also they said cause his CDL is such a high class one, that he should move up fast and be able to make double what he is now, once he is allowed to start driving the larger trucks. So that will be even better. I am happy he found a job he likes, and that will really be able to support us as well.
My mom and step father finally got a new car, they ended up with a 12 passenger, we were hoping for 15 passenger but there doesn't seem to be many around here. But, the 12 is nice for now. I think we need to invest in a 15 passenger though.
We've been finding some really really nice homes in our search for our first home we are going to buy. I'm hoping it will also be the only home we ever buy. I hate moving! I really hope we are able to get this one really cute one that has a huge yard though. Almost a whole acre. That would be so nice for the kids to play in. We also found one that is on 5 acres but it needs a lot of work. 5 acres would be awesome, though. We just hope that God will help us choose the right one for our family for the long haul.
I start a bra making class with Anne tomorrow. I can't wait to finally be able to make my own. The cheapest in my size is 50 dollars. Anne said that it would only start costing about 15 dollars each, once I learn to make my own. That would be awesome. I went last Saturday and had her measure me up and start getting the pattern all ready. That's the best part about classes with Anne, she makes up the pattern specifically for you personally. I will also finally be able to have a pretty bra. Since pretty ones in my size run about 150 and up! I am super excited to take the class and learn some new skills.

On another really good note a new thrift store opened up last month that is awesome. Great prices, and its right by two other thrift stores, so I can go from one to another all in one day and super fast. It's a privately owned one and she has so many neat things and displays things so nicely. I was able to add a milk glass cake plate to my collection. I really enjoy collecting milk glass. She also had a ton of doilies, I bought several of them. Lela likes the one with the purple roses the best. She has done the store up so nicely the kids really like to play in the kids room she has there. She also has a ladies room, with all kinds of neat things. I was able to get a service bag, Ralph Lauren, for only 2 dollars! I wish Amber was here and could go with me. But, I think I may ask Raquel if she wants to go with me. Oh, and the house I like best is by the Bud Palmer auctions, Raquel and I always have fun looking through the vintage finds there and staying up late bidding on the bargains!
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