We had a pretty fun weekend. On Saturday we went to Watson Park and had a BBQ. We tried some new hickory charcoal, it was soooo yummy. We had ribs, burgers, dogs, corn on the cob, baked beans, kale, potato salad, and on and on and on. And then s'mores for dessert. It was freezing cold though. It was supposed to be warm, but ended up being cold. Sunday was supposed to be cold, but ended up being VERY warm, brimming on hot! UHG. lol But, all in all we had fun any how. For sure though I will be making picnic table and bench covers soon. I went to Walmart to have a looksy at the dollar fabric, but they no longer sell dollar fabric. Two dollars a yard was the cheapest. Awe well. I will probably go back and get some. Was just disappointed it was no longer only a dollar.
I started on my red skirt. I can't wait to get it finished, shouldn't take me much longer. It's almost done already. I used my new Kia pinking shears to finish the seams. Since I don't have a serger apparently that is how you are supposed to finish the seams, but this is my first time doing it that way. It went well. I hope that helps them really hold up. Next year I swear I am taking the sewing 101 class by Janet. But, this year Belle and RJ are too stuck to me like glue for me to get my money out of it. But, who knows it's only 60 dollars, I may just go for it and then take it a second time when the kids detach themselves from my leg for more then a few seconds. haha I seen a free colette pattern for a blouse, I HAVE to try! As I really really need blouses! So that will be soon as well. I've decided for sure when we get back from vacation, I am taking a bra making course. I have to learn to make my own. I am in real need of more. I bought several last year and some how most came up missing and I seem to only have three now. I don't know what happened to any of the others! And they are so expensive. I am just going to bite the bullet and take the class. I'm thinking in July.
And to feed my sewing addiction, or maybe it's even a bit more SMAD. I bought a new sewing cabinet today off Craig's List. I barely missed one on Saturday missed it by just 20 minutes. But, today I got one for 20 dollars. Came with a working Sew Gem machine. I'm not sure if that's a good machine or not. But, I'm very happy with the cabinet. And that's why I bought it. I want to put my bernina in it.

I need to learn to sew...and energy and time to do it lol
I took it in middle school, but since then except for a couple of projects in high school didn't start sewing till last year. Pretty much it was NOT like riding a bike! hahaha Seems I had to start from scratch too.
My advice....try to find some one local maybe to help you find a machine. Either ask really experienced people, which I have gotten really lucky, for lack of a better term, in I have a local store that was able to head me in a good direction of a repair shop that also sells used machines, and gives a one year warrenty with them. Otherwise, if you could find some one who could go with you to look at machines on Craig's List I find them a dime a dozen on there. Look for what they call mechanical (very little chance the kids could break it! lol And they don't have as many mishaps as newer computerized machines), all metal if possible. You should be able to get a good one off Craig's List from any where between 20 to 75 dollars. Ask on Freecycle too. I actually do have one from freecycle but just haven't taken the time to clean it and it for sure needs a good cleaning, but it is a GOOD machine!
Get a easy pattern, I have mainly been doing independant pattern companies (you wouldn't find them in Joann's, Hancock's, etc). But, I did one Kwik Sew (before McCalls bought them) It was good and they are supposed to be easy. But, I will say that so far the companies I have been buying have been extremely easy!
I did a ELD slip pattern as my first project on my own, I high suggest it cause it's so versatil-a slip, a sun dress, a jacket! Maternity, non maternity, nursing, non nursing, maternity and nursing! It has every option! And is sooooooo simple. Very good for a first pattern. And you can usually get them off many groups, ebay, etsy etc for around 5 dollars. (Trace the pattern onto doctors table paper-you know that tissue paper on the drs exam table? Instead of cutting the pattern that way you can keep using the pattern no matter what the size, or resell it!
I also suggest skirts as a first project, also SUPER duper easy. I can whip up skirts rather fast.
Things take me days cause of the babies, but if I didn't have babies, it would only take me like a hour or two. But, I literally only get like 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there to get anything done, before one of the babies is crying, and wanting held/fed/nursed, etc. haha
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