Belle got the stomach bug again yesterday. UHG. We had to miss meeting cause she started vomiting at 4 pm and didn't stop till well into the wee hours of the morning. Vince and I were tag teaming giving her bath after bath. Thankfully so far none of the rest of us have gotten it yet. And now we have clean sheets and clean blankets on the bed. lol Not to mention we had only had the ones she vomited on for a day. It's a good thing I am making new night gowns as well as I went through those quickly during all that! At least she had a lot of PJ's and Darla gave her a few more when she started running out at the end of the night. I usually go and get her pedialite but none of us felt like going to the store last night so we gave her EmergenC and it worked great. It is full of electrolytes as well. I think part of her problem was gas cause after she drink some EmergenC she let out a HUGE burp and then has not had any problems since. Today she's eating pizza, and cookies, and drinking milk again and has been better all day with exception to a runny nose. It also got right down frigid last night! And the warmest blanket was in the washer from one of the vomiting incidents. UHG. At least we got it back on tonight. Whew. We even had snow today!
RJ is still doing great nursing as well. I am so proud of him.
Monday I made cabbage, bean, and ham soup for the first time. My mom used to make it often but I have never made it. It must of been a hit as it was completely gobbled up. Lela asked for seconds! So that's for sure going down as a do again! I'm working on doing at least one soup a week and testing and seeing what the family likes so we can keep it in rotation and what they don't like so much. This was a winner, and almost free to make! And for 50 cents I added corn bread as a side. So very very cost effective. Was able to feed the WHOLE family of almost 20 for less then 10 dollars!
Looking in the kitchen tonight, I decided to ask Vince to bring in my wire racks I think I can get them in the corner with the dinette. It will help organize more of the non-perishables a lot I think.
So far I haven't made any money at all with the Ad-Sense, I'm hoping to make at least a little bit. Hmph! Oh well.

1 comment:
Poor Belle, she seems prone to tummy bugs. Not fun for any of you.
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