Whew been to busy to post.
First of all, I was sewing right along on a fast and easy jacket, when all the sudden my machine came to a screeching halt. Had gotten thread all up in the bobbin case. I got it all cleared out and still wasn't working. Then I changed needles and all kinds of things, and it still wasn't working. That was a week ago on Tuesday. I worked on it all day on Wednesday and still couldn't get it to work. Ended up going with Amber to Spangles with one of her friends, and then went to a yogurt bar. We have a ton of self serve yogurt bars around here. That was my first time at one. It was really fun, and yummy! Had pumpkin pie, blueberry muffin, english toffee, tarro, and red velvet cake flavored yogurt myself, and every one was yummy! Then I called the man I bought the sewing machine from on Thursday and he talked me through a few things and it still was acting weird. So he said I would need to bring it in, but I just didn't think we had the gas to take it that far. It's two hours each way! So I decided to pack it with us to the black Friday sales.

Saturday started out horrible, I had a awful head ache, I had to take pain medication and a hot bath to just make it tolerable, I was in so much pain I was nauseated. By, mid afternoon I was tired, but drug myself with every one else to see the new Muppet movie. I am glad I did. It was hilarious, sweet and clean, every one loved it. We also met Darla's little cousin's, Ella, Marshal and another little boy I can't remember's name there, and their mother. Then we came home and we had a anniversary party for Nick and Megan, grandma and grandpa came out to celebrate with us. And we had at least 10 cakes! haha Of course the one Grandma Delores made still tasted the best! Had sparking apple cider, and used Eldon's grandma's glasses to serve it in. They are probably at least a 100 years old and really pretty. Eldon's grandma, who they called Mamma Dunn, was 105 when she died and I was only about 6 or 7 years old at the time. So over 30 years ago....so I'm sure the glasses are well over 100 years old really.
Sunday started out great, I zipped through finishing my jacket, made a mock turtleneck and a skirt in just those couple of days. Then we went upstairs to eat dinner with the family Sunday evening and after dinner the Rat Terrier attacked Belle, and bit her in the face! Without any provocation at all. Thankfully both Darla and my dad were home. They used plastic surgery liquid stitches and put her face back together, and Monday she went in and had a tetanus shot. But, today it was looking infected so she had to go on a antibiotic as well. UHG! We are praying the poor baby heals soon and well. It was so scary, when I heard the dog and Belle and couldn't see what was happening it made my heart stop and I was scared to death of what I would see or that the dog was going to kill her. Thankfully it's just two small bites, but still is so scary and AWFUL! The dog went to the humane society where hopefully they can find a good home for it that the people can handle her better. Our family was not a good fit for her. Vince and I just can't stand that this happened to her.
While I was at the sewing machine shop on Friday Lynn said that the foot I had on there wasn't good for sewing. So I went back yesterday, because I was in the neighborhood for a eye exam, again my old local eye doctor, I just love. The one I had in NYC was rude and yelled and screamed at me the whole time that I wasn't making choices (1 or 2) fast enough and then wanted me to buy 400 dollar glasses, which I never did cause I was afraid with all the screaming and rushing me through I wasn't picking the right choices, and would have the wrong prescription in the end! Now I will finally have new glasses, and for a fraction of what I was going to pay in NYC, and nicer frames to boot. So went back to the sewing machine store, where I met Don, and got a different foot and also picked up a Jersey Knit needle, I wonder now though if I should of gotten the stretch needle. Hmmm. I think I will go back on Thursday and buy some stretch needles as well. They were 25 percent off. So now would be a good time to pick them up. I also went back to Needle Nook causes I wanted to give her business first for needles and machine feet but she doesn't sell them. However, she is still having black Friday sale's so I couldn't resist and bought more fabric! lol I am going to have a NICE meeting and casual wardrobe for pennies! I can't wait to finish my first suit. However, with what I stitched up on Saturday and Sunday I need to retrace the patterns smaller sizes. I made the outfit too big. But, it was mainly with fabric I got at Walmart for 20 cents a yard so not a big deal! I did make the shirt though with a knit from Needle Nook. While it's VERY soft and comfy, it also stretches a lot. I don't think I will make outerwear with that kind of knit again. I will make a slip with it though, and maybe a nightgown. Hmmm, should of bought more today for a slip. Hmmm, that's ok I will buy more on Thursday as I'm going back then any way. That will make a really warm slip! Even though I bought flannel for that too! haha Will be a good layering piece no matter how you dice it. But, from now on my outerwear I will be sure to choose fabrics with more body, so it doesn't stretch out so easily. Belle had a lot of fun at Needle Nook too, she loves playing with all their Melissa and Doug toys, and eating popcorn. I just love local stores I must say again, they are so nice to the kids and have it set up so well for them.
After all that we went to dinner at Ah-So, and had some wonderful Korean food. And of course again, have I said it enough, I love mom and pop local businesses, she remembered us and was so sweet to us. Actually gave Lela and Belle's meals to us for free. We were going to have them eat off our plates, and she brought out their own plates put them on the table and said for the babies. Lela ate ALL her's, and Belle was mighty happy with hers as well. Her son was visiting as well, which coincidentally had moved to Queens the same time I did and moved back here the same time as me. How ironic! I've been eating there since I was Belle's age, and love being able to take the kids to the same places, with the same people I grew up with.
Then we went to my mom's house to show her Belle, and my uncle Doug came over to see us too. They all felt so badly for Belle too. It was so sad. But, thankfully it's looking a lot better then it did! But, still just hate that this happened to her. Poor baby was already afraid of animals and now it's going to be even worse. Hopefully things will get better soon, and she will not remember much of this.