Been busy busy while Vince's parents have been visiting. We've been eating out and at their hotel a lot. The chef at the hotel is super nice, so it's been fun eating there and it's FREE. haha
A friend of mine sent me a 5 dollar Khol's cash and I was able to get a cute little monkey outfit with it. It came with a monkey bib, a onesy with monkeys all over it, and then pants that had a monkey tail embroidered on the back. Too cute. Between the cash, and the sale I was able to get it for only 5 dollars and 35 cents, and normally it was 30 dollars! Vince's mom bought the girls the Khol's cares books of the month. Very cute night time story books. They are always hard for me to resist, great quality books for a great price.
Went to my first LLL meeting since I had RJ, of course every one fawned over him, and loved his name too. hehe. He's nursing really well. I'm so thankful! No problems at all this time around! Was a good meeting. After the LLL we went to Krispy Kreme with Vince's parents, and the girls. mmmmm hot donuts....simpson drool!
Tonight we met my mom, Eldon and the kids at World Buffet. We haven't seen them in a few days so thought we would meet up with them. So had a nice dinner.

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